Penny Bradley with AJ Roberts

91 60-year tours with the Nacht Waffen; human trafficking; the Annunaki; the religion of the elites; Draco reptilians; black goo


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Penny Bradley was kidnapped in 1959  from her home in California at age four by men wearing green military uniforms and driving a jeep. She and two other children were driven across the country to Langley Air Force Base in Virginia, where there were approximately 1000 children. Five years later, at the “graduation” from the training program, only 20 children were left; the others were murdered when they became catatonic.

(5:00) AJ: What you talked about, the harsh treatment, you start with a thousand children, what was the purpose of putting everybody through that?

Penny: They were deliberately creating a state where your mind is fractured into separate personalities. You’ve heard of multiple personality disorder? These days psychologists are calling that dissociative identity disorder. They were creating that on purpose. There are books out about it; Stewart Swerdlow wrote one called 13-Cubed, and it describes the process and the reasons for it.

13-Cubed: Case Studies in Mind-Control & Programming, by Stewart Swerdlow ($35)

(6:00) Now, the basic core reason is, what they did to us is illegal everywhere. It’s against the law to kidnap children, rape them and kill some of them. It’s against the law everywhere. This is a capital felony in the United States. So they did not want us to remember what they did to us, number one.

Number two, they figured out early on that they could create alters–that’s what the bits are called–and they could sell an alter and a tissue sample to create a clone to put it in. They could sell these to various agencies all over the world and make money off of us. So, we are literally slave labor. And they can come pick us up whenever they want, as many times as they want. I’ve been picked up as many as 12 times in a single night by different agencies every time.

So, this is a constant thing. You’ll be picked up by an ET; you’ll be picked up by an agency; then the spy agencies have to know what you were used for, because they want to steal the technology in that program; and then the other country’s spy agency picks you up, because they want to know what that one picked up. And it’s every night. People don’t understand that this is an ongoing thing; they think that that trip happened, and it’s all done with. It’s not.

(8:00) AJ: When you say ETs pick you up as well, are they working alongside human agencies?

Penny: Some of them are.

AJ: And what would be the purpose of those agencies working with the ETs?

Penny: There is a splinter of the American NSA that works with an ET organization called the Cortium. And the Cortium’s purpose is to control the development of technology on Earth by leaking tech to them. Now, the Annunaki are one of those groups, and the Zetas are a second one. Those are the two that I know for sure are in it. So, you’ve got two species that are leaking technology to the American government, and they are turning it over to the military-industrial complex, who then reverse-engineer it and apply it to secret weapons, and some of it does filter down into the culture. That’s where transistors came from, was from leaks like that. But it’s a constant drip-drip-drip.

And the ETs get access to territory; they get access to humans for their experiments; they get– My issue at this point is, I hear a lot of people saying that there are regressive ETs and that there are good ones; from my perspective, they’re all use-car salesmen, and you shouldn’t trust any of them. The Draco have treated me better than the Annunaki have. People want to say, the Draco are bad because they’re reptiles, and the Annunaki are wonderful because they’re mammals and look like us; my experience is, the more they look like us, the worse they behave. All of our evil tendencies, our dark side, our shadow–it all came from somewhere. And people need to think about that: where did that come from? . . .

And when you get out into space, there are 25 different races who all claim they created us. And they all claim we have to obey them as their child-race because they created us; and yet, none of them wants to be responsible to the Guardians for having violated the Prime [Directive] to do that. Oh, yeah, there are laws out there. . . .

Human Trafficking

(36:30) AJ Roberts: But with what you say about using humans as slaves on- and off-planet, I’ve read it in quite a few places. It’s a lot of reports that up to eight million children on Earth go missing a year.

That would be a conservative– There are probably three times that many.

The slavery, the trafficking issue. It starts before we’re born. They’re starting with aborted babies now. They’re using body parts from aborted babies for organ trade. They’re torturing infants for adrenochrome. And I’ve heard reports of them keeping a regeneration tank so they can torture the same children over and over and over for adrenochrome. And they’re kidnapping children for organs, for sex trade, for [labor], for black ops, and this is like a continuum that goes all the way through to old age. If your grandparents died of cancer in a rest home, they may not be in their graves. There’s a good chance that they were turned into a cyborg and sold in space. The continuum is that outrageous. We’ve been turning our elders into cyborgs for at least 50 years. We’ve also been taking prisoners in the United States out of prison. The same abductions for service in space happen to people in prison, only they’re not officers and soldiers. They’re the people that are digging the mines; they’re the people who are cleaning the latrines; they’re the people who are put out in battle without space suits. They’re literally treated like they’re not even human, and the rationale is, because they’re in prison they don’t deserve better.

The Nazis

(52:00) AJ Roberts: We were told the Germans lost the war, when they didn’t really.

Penny: They lost WWI. And the terms of the treaty were so bad that it created genocide conditions. And that by itself created WWII. And, no, the German nation did lose the war: it was the group that went to Antarctica that won.

AJ Roberts: Yeah, the actual Nazis.

Penny: No, the aristocracy. The aristocracy put that regime in [power]. That regime was put in by the aristocracy. Once [the Nazis] came to power, they pushed the aristocracy out and replaced them with Jesuits. So, you’re back to that same triad of doom [the Vatican, London and Washington DC].

AJ Roberts: When you talk about Jesuits, can you describe what that means?

Penny Bradley: It’s the Society of Jesus, and they were created to be the assassins of the Vatican. They, along with the Dominicans, were responsible for the Inquisition. They killed millions of people in Europe.

(56:00) AJ Roberts: And with Hitler himself, am I right in saying he didn’t commit suicide, that he fled to Argentina?

Penny Bradley: Hitler lived out his days in Argentina with Eva, and the CIA was keeping an eye on him. He was not part of the group in Antarctica. He was not welcome there, because he had cast those people out and replaced them with Jesuits, and the Jesuits lost the war. So, he was a persona non grata.

[Question about Hitler’s suicide]

Penny Bradley: All of these national leaders have duplicates. All it takes is killing one of the duplicates, or, in that case, duplcates of him and Eva Braun. You have a duplicate who is dead, and to a casual observer it looks like he killed himself, that they committed suicide. But meanwhile, they got on a plane and went to Argentina, where they had been sending money for most of the war. The German regime propped up Chile and Argentina and Brazil. So, that’s where those countries got the money to keep going with fascist leadership for decades afterwards.

AJ Roberts: So, would you go so far as to say that all of the leaders, politicians and whatnot, a lot of them have doubles for that reason?

Penny Bradley: Yes.

AJ Roberts: Or at least one.

Penny Bradley: At least one.


(1:06:00) . . . the Paris Accords, which, if you’ve read them, the Paris Accords require a 30% population reduction by 2030. The governing class agreed to this. Now, President Trump took us out of the Paris Accords; Biden put us right back in. So, all of this nonsense about, “Well, we didn’t know what was happening [vaccine deaths and sterility], etc.— It’s right in the treaty.

AJ Roberts: Because you’re giving consent, aren’t you? And that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? It’s all about free will. As long as it doesn’t mess with free will, and they tell you to your face. And that’s what we see all the time, everything, don’t we? Every walk of life.

Penny Bradley: As long as they tell you and you don’t say, No, you have given consent. You can argue until you’re blue in the face: this is still how their religion operates, whether you agree with it or not. And if you have given consent, they do not accrue guilt for it; they do not accrue karma for it, because you’ve consented, and at that point it becomes a contract that they have to fulfill.

AJ: And that’s why they tell us so many things im movies, TV series and stuff like that.

Penny: If you don’t say, No, you’ve agreed to it.

(1:08:00) AJ Roberts: But do you think things like “The Simpsons,” for example—I’ve seen there are so many episodes where they show you years ago what is happening now, even Sept. 11 and stuff like that. Do you think there are elements of Project Looking Glass involved in things like “The Simpsons” and stuff like that, that they already know what the future’s going to hold?

Penny: I think they already know what the future is going to hold.

(1:34:00) “They try to keep us fighting so that we cannot unite against them.” Penny Bradley

(1:37:00) Your subconscious remembers everything, everything that all of your alters did, and that can be accessed. It just takes a lot of work. And the deeper you go, the more you realize, “I wasn’t a hero at all: I was a monster.”

(1:38:00) What I want people to take from this is: kids have been kidnapped for at least 70 years for these black programs. They’ve been taken over and over and over, with technology that takes them out into space for an entire lifetime and then dumps them back where they were. This is perpetual slavery, without consent. How does a four-year-old give consent?

This crap has to stop. There is nothing we do out there that cannot be done by consenting adults. Stop the kidnapping, stop the rape, stop the slavery. And if somebody is saying it’s not still happening, I’m sorry. I get phone calls from people: “My four-year old refuses to go back to sleep; he says he doesn’t want to go to space again.” So don’t tell me it’s not still happening.

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