God’s helpers, the Sirians – part 2

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From Montauk: The Alien Connection

Stewart Swerdlow’s memory of meeting a Sirian at the age of six

At this point, the last being at the council table, who sat in the middle, interrupted the Rigelian. This being was very tall. Standing up, he raised his arms to either side. The beautiful white robe he wore was trimmed in a blue that I had never seen before. His large head was round on top with a pointed chin. Standing with his arms outstretched, he remarkably resembled a living ankh. Hi oval eyes were brilliant blue; his skin ivory white. By far, he was the most impressive being at this gathering. When his thoughts filled my head, I could not even think of my own name! As he spoke, I saw words in a strange language swirling ethereally around his head.

Ankh from a pharoah’s tomb, 20 cm, 1400 BC, faience glazed pottery

He told me his name, but I cannot remember it. Coming from the planet Khoom in the binary Sirius star system [actually trinary], his people were descendants of nonphysical beings who exist outside of linear time and space. They created the ancient Egyptian civilization; they also created the Jewish people and gave them the Torah. The crystal skull was their creation, and they were in charge of many events in the galaxy and beyond. My soul-personality was from his people because it was the only type advanced enough to animate such a hybrid body as my own. Possessing the most advanced techology in the universe, all the other species came to these Sirians for information. Now, as an adult, I realize that this group also plays one civilization against the other to benefit evolution as well as their own species.

As I got older, he continued, more and more of my memories would return to me — not only of this particular event, but from my existences in other star systems and universes. . . .

This large Sirian began to glow a white light with violet, gold and silver overtones. He then faded into the center of this light. Next, I woke up screaming in my bed at home and felt a terror beyond my imagination. (pp. 39-40)

The next memory of the Sirian that Stewart described took place in Capetown, South Africa, and he was undergoing a painful medical procedure under the supervision of soldiers with Nazi-like uniforms and an American officer in a dark blue uniform.

When I regained consciousness, I was sitting on a bench against a wall. I was naked except for a white towel draped over my waist. Men stood in front of me and called my name in Hebrew. Their voices seemed kind, but I disliked them intensely. I was embarrassed. When they asked me how I felt, I replied with a curt, “Fine.”

Standing against the opposite wall behind them was a tall Sirian described earlier in the book. Telepathically, he told me that he was an ambassador from the planet Khoom in Sirius A to the Israelis and their allies (p. 71).

Taken aboard a Sirian ship

It was near Dimona (Israel) that I was abducted by the Sirians for a major adventure. As I walked around some rock formations that jutted up out of the desert, the sun was hot and the air extremely dry. Perspiration evaporated in a matter of seconds after appearing on my skin. Suddenly, a tremendous fash of light blinded me. Raising my hands to shield my eyes, I realized that there were no sounds around me; in fact, there was an eery silence all about.

Opening my eyes, I found myself in a great room that resembled an ancient Greek or Roman throne room with huge columns and a screen on the wall. Lighting was subdued and without a visible source. There were no windows or doors. From a space near the screen, a tall Sirian dressed in a white and blue robe appeared. He was nearly identical to the Sirian I had seen as a child. About seven feet tall, his skin was pale. He had large pointed ears, a long pointed nose, and big, blue almond-shaped eyes. His mouth and lips were very small. His fingers appeared long and graceful as he stood in front of me with outstretched arms. The way his robe touched the floor, combined with the shape of his elongated head, he looked exactly like a living ankh! What a beautiful sight! I felt no fear because I had seen one before and felt at home with it. The screen came on behind him and allowed me to see the outline of Earth as we moved swiftly away from it in some sort of a craft heading toward Mars. In that room, there was no sensation of movement. It felt soft and comfortable — even more comfortable than home.

The being moved forward and smiled, telepathically welcoming me. Through his thoughts, he told me that we were on our way to Mars to see something that would help me at a later time. Continuing, he said that his species created people from stock brought to Earth from elsewhere. These creations are known as Hebrews, as is their language. Much of this had been distorted and interfered with over the millenia. His species was now in league with the remnants of these original creations, the Israelis, to correct and purify them before the next wave of interruptions occured. Apparently, the Sirians felt that these Hebrew remnants were not the genetically whole beings that they originally created. Because it was too late to change their physical structure, it had become necessary to change their mind-patterns, thus enabling them to interface with other alien beings. As he communicated, pictures of his words appeared on the screen behind him. I actually saw history from the dim past as though it were happening at that moment.

Next, I remember lying on a table in a brightly lit clinical-looking room. The Sirian was there with a tall grey being who had round, black eyes and a goofy look on its face. Identified to me as a Vegan, it was a creation of the Sirians out of their own genetics mixed with the little greys. Although not strapped down, I could not move, and I realized that I was naked. For the first time, I felt fear with the Sirians. A bright device was placed over my face as they probed my body. the Sirian said that they needed to test for residuals of genetic resonance identifying my body with theirs. He said they had manufactured my body in collusion with certain Earth forces for the purpose of completing their agenda. I was some kind of pawn in an interstellar game. What was going on here?

To complicate matters further, he said that my soul-personality was some type of entity from a nonphysical aspect of Sirius which was an even higher form than himself. My body contained Sirian DNA, which was necessary for the soul-personality to operate it. As he spoke, I began to glimpse in my mind my true identity which was simultaneously magnificently beautiful and frightening. Tears flowed uncontrollably down my face.

Next, I was stood up instantaneously. Wearing only a Sirian robe, I could not see my feet. I felt elation, like I was on a natural high. I cannot compare the feeling to anything another can understand without having had the experience himself. I felt a complete knowing of all things, a connection to all beings; yet, I retained my identity of self.

After being shown human trafficking on Mars by the Rigelians, Stewart finds himself back on the ship.

Travelling in hyperspace, I sat in a darkened room on the floor with the Vegan and the Sirian. Soft lighting allowed me to see inside and outside the ship sumultaneously. Hyperspace was a beautiful shade of dark blue and violet. The ship appeared to be diamond-shaped as it travelled. The Sirian said that we were going back to our home world, Khoom, which orbited Sirius A in that binary (trinary) star system. Later, I could decide if I wanted to return to Earth. I realized we three were the only beings aboard that great ship, operated totally by our will. I felt completely safe and at peace. I knew that I was going home.

From space, Khoom looks blue and white. A frozen world covered in ice and snow, the sun’s glare on the surface was blinding. The inhabitants lived underground. An elaborate and impenetrable defense system protected the entire planet.

Once a subtropical world, Khoom was pushed out of its original orbit by war eons ago. A victim of the original battle between good and evil, Khoom was blown from its cradle orbit by those who created the Draco race, the reptilians who seek to dominate the galaxy and beyond. The creators of the Draco races came from another time and space. The first genesis of Lucifer, their name denotes the epitome of evil (pp. 78-82).

The Ohalu Council

Occupying the same physical location as Khoom, but at a different vibratory resonance, is a nonphysical world governed by a council of nine beings known as the Ohalu Council. While not the same beings referred to as “The Nine” (Briefings For The Landing On Planet Earth, The Only Planet of Choice), they do communicate with The Nine as well as participate in joint projects. . . . The Ohalu Council also governs Planet Khoom in the Sirius star system, since the Sirians are really the lower-vibration versions of the council beings.

While on Khoom, I was shown my past and my future. I was originally sent to Earth by the Ohalu Council, who directed the Sirians on the creation of my physical body. They told me there are nine beings on Earth who are like me, and each one is directed by a member of the Council (pp. 82-83).

Sirius B star system

I was also taken to a planet orbiting Sirius B that was a tropical jungle world occupied by short, stocky beings who live in huts. Extremely advanced, these creatures can astral-project anywhere they want to at will. They rely on others for physical transportation off-world, but as they have no need to go anywhere else, they rarely do so. Communicating exclusively by mind-linking, they do not have a spoken language (p. 83).

Draco invasion

The Sirians told me of the coming Draco invasion of Earth, that the Orion group was working with the Draco, and that there is a war going on right now between the Sirians and the Orion group. The supreme merchants of the universe, the Sirians, actually supplied the Orion groups with the weapons that are now being used against them; however, they keep the best weapons for themselves, so they never lose. The Sirians see the Orion races as bad children who play with matches. They do not seek to destroy them, but they keep them in check. They allow humans, Orion [greys] and Draco to follow their own destinies.

Though I didn’t want to leave, the Ohalu Council convinced me to return to Earth. Arriving back in Israel, I found that only three days had passed. I was unceasingly thirsty, had lost ten pounds, and was so tired that I could not see straight. Returning to Holon, I slept for almost a week.

During my return “rest,” I realized that the Ark of the Covenant is actually a communication device between the physical world and hyperspace. The Sirians apparently gave the Hebrews instructions for building it. A reconstruction of the device was built by the University of Minnesota years ago, following the instructions given in the Bible. It was so electrically charged and dangerous that it had to be destroyed.

I believe that the Sirians are trying to undermine the plans of all the factions involved on Earth: the New World Order, the Draco, the greys, the [Aldebaranians], etc. Their agenda is to bring all events to a climax, then usurp all power, possibly via the Israelis. This is only speculation on my part; time will tell (pp. 83-84).


Swerdlow, Stewart (1998). Montauk: The Alien Connection. Westbury, New York: Sky Books.

See also The_Only_Planet_Of_Choice

See also Twenty-Four Civilizations

God’s helpers, the Sirians – part 1

That is how all creatures speak of God. And why do they not speak of the Godhead? Everything that is in the Godhead is one, and of that there is nothing to be said. God works, the Godhead does no work: there is nothing for it to do, there is no activity in it. It never peeped at any work. God and Godhead are distinguished by working and not-working. – Meister Eckhart, Sermon Fifty Six

When God created the heavens, the earth, and creatures, he did no work; he had nothing to do; he made no effort. – Meister Eckhart, Sermon Four

And all your activity must cease, and all your powers must serve His ends, not your own. If this work is to be done, God alone must do it, and you must just suffer it to be. Where you truly go out from your will and your knowledge, God with His knowledge surely and willingly goes in and shines there clearly. – Meister Eckhart, Sermon Four

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Radu Cinamar, Forgotten Genesis (2020)

In 432000 B.C. Sirian beings began to accelerate the evolution of Earth’s primates. They didn’t do anything to the primates physically, however. Rather, they used a ship to entangle the energy of particular stars, such that the stars subtly affected the carbon bonds of the primates’ DNA.

What you have seen here is very complex. As is the case with astrology on Earth, it is working with planets, the moon, the sun, and other heavenly bodies, but less often with other fixed stars. In the astrology known by those extraterrestrial beings, thousands of stars were taken into account, not just a few. (Cinamar, p. 129)

In 372 500 B.C., a moon-sized Sirian ship named Neiberau arrived in Earth’s orbit and sent down a shuttle to the area north of the Persian Gulf to mine gold. The commander of the ship, a being named Tenekau, encountered the primates who had been visited by his people 60,000 years earlier. He decided to accelerate their evolution even further, and sent a long report to his superiors about his idea. He was instructed to abandon his military missions and to remain in orbit around Earth in order to carry out the project.

Cinamar asked which alien civilizations the beings belonged to, and was told that it was “one of the civilizations derived from the Sirians, [but] which originated from a system in the constellation of Orion’s Belt. The images then suddenly changed and I saw a multi-planet system around a relatively small star located in the vicinity of the main stars of Orion’s Belt” (p. 104).

Additionally, Cinamar tells us that the beings stood 2.5 meters tall and their heads were slightly elongated toward the back (pp. 104, 128).

Cinamar was told that Tenekau had been born and raised on the Neiberau so that his genes would be affected by the same stellar influences that were affecting the evolution of primates on Earth. When Tenekau encountered the primates, he felt a natural affinity with them because they were celestial relatives.

Tenekau then understood that, in reality, everything had been arranged and rendered so that he could synchronize and determine those decisions and actions he had committed. Even if his intention at the beginning was only to create a being with superior possibliities from the existing primates in order to help extract the ore they needed, everything was now making sense on a much deeper level.  The order he received was for him to stay with his ship around Earth and to support the necessary activities for the development and evolution of the primates that then existed in that area (p. 130).

Once the affected primates had evolved to a sufficient degree, Sirian scientists created a clone by combining Tenekau’s DNA with primate DNA. Tenekau transferred his consciousness into the clone and from then on, he lived on Earth.

At some point, Tenekau ascended to the formless realm, and other Sirians continued the marvellous work he had begun.

Tenekau’s inheritance

An interesting fact that caught my attention was that after projecting Tenekau’s consciousness into that cloned being I mentioned, which was also an evolved version that preceded Adam’s appearance [368 000 B.C.], I did not see Tenekau’s physical body. Instead, I noticed that his specific frequency, rendered by the symbols shown, was found in many other beings that followed up until the time of Adam’s appearance.

I was amazed at this, and then the man from Apellos told me that after he had completed his mission on Earth — which was coordinating the extremely complex process of transforming the DNA of the primates — Tenekau had evolved as a being in the etheric plane without a physical body. Thus, in the DNA of Adam and the beings after him, I could see the symbols T and E-N, but also the hexagonal symbol.

Thus, something of Tenekau’s genes had been further transmitted, meaning that he had left a “genetic inheritance.” This was not through physical coupling, but rather auric, his spiritual influence being determined in primates over time. Later, the Sirian civilization from the Orion Constellation, of which Tenekau was also a part, made many efforts to make that subtle impulse permanent (p. 157).


I was shown that after Tenekau initiated “the epic of the human being,” and after he had passed on to a higher existential level, three more extraterrestrial beings were successively designated by the Sirian sages, originally from the Sirius A system, to continue the project of accelerated transformation of human beings on Earth. From the images I saw, these beings covered a period of about 12,000-13,000 years after Tenekau, as their structure allowed them to have an extremely long life. Thereafter, the E-N-L DNA was found to be strong enough to branch out and combine without the danger of losing its initial baseline information.

The first to take on the task of continuing the project was Karaan, a Sirian man who, like Tenekau, came from the constellation of Orion’s Belt. As far as I could tell, he was part of the high-level military leadership of his civilization and had close links with two of the Pleiadian cities with which he collaborated intensely on Earth at that time.

According to him, the wise people of the Sirian civilization from the Sirius A system decided that the project would be led by a representative of this civilization who was named Nasamar. He was a very gentle and wise man, specializing in scientific research, but he was not part of the military rank. . . .

Unfortunately, Nasamar led the project for only a short time because a tense situation in a certain sector of the galaxy — close enough to Earth and which involved, it seems, a large armed conflict — necessitated his replacement with another leader whose name was Jama-al.

Jama-al was a senior officer in the military hierarchy, recognized and respected for his talents as a strategist and for his diplomatic knowledge. He was a tough man, coming from a civilization derived from that of the Sirians, but I could not figure out either the star system or constellation that he came from. He was also the commander of the cosmic ship (the Neiberau), which was then in orbit near Earth.

Jama-al also proved to be a very practical being. Not only was he fulfilling the mission entrusted to him — to carry on the project of transforming human DNA — but in parallel to this he used certain resources of the planet to buid a large number of small and medium-sized warships.

The images showed me how he created small urban centers throughout North and East Africa. These were like small semi-circle towns where human DNA was extracted from beings belonging to the E-N-L branches, with genetic engineering being done on those samples.

An interesting aspect that I noticed was that the three project leaders who followed Tenekau did not know why the Sirian Council of Wise People wanted human evolution on Earth. Howeer, as it was known that the Sirians were not wrong and that they were permanently connected with the celestial governing entities of our galaxy, the three great leaders accepted the mission to carry on the work started by Tenekau, realizing that it was a very important plan at the cosmic level. They accepted the mission that was given to them as, first of all, a spiritual mission.

As I said, Jama-al had not only undertaken the continuation of the project of evolving human beings, but also the development of a very efficient battleship construction industry. He extracted from the soil of our planet many types of ores, focusing on gold and titanium, but especially quartz crystals, which were later processed and integrated into the construction of those ships (pp. 158-159).

A necessary explanation

I feel compelled to make a point here because ignorance of some individuals can easily block the fair understanding of things. From what has been presented so far, especially in connection with Adam, one might understand that man would not be “a creation of God,” but would only be a product of scientific operations of genetic manipulation and cloning; and further, that the human being — and implicitly Adam — is only a kind of “experiment” conducted at the discretion of extraterresterial civilizations who have nothing better to do than play “master and slave.”

Such an interpretation would indicate a lack of spiritual maturity in corrctly understanding how the human being was created.

First, the presence of God must be understood and perceived at an intuitive level as being unknowable [by the mind] and transcendent. It can also be understood that God is everything we see and experience through our senses and our minds. If these two statements were not valid at the same time, it would mean that God would not be omniscient and omnipotent. But because God is precisely all this and much more than that, He is present everywhere or, in other words, in all things. Therefore, God’s creative action cannot be physical, because His presence and energy penetrate everything and can accomplish everything. When acting with a certain purpose in His Creation, God acts through His “proper” tools, all of which are His creations in a well-established spiritual hierarchy.

Just as a matter of mathematics or physics is solved by well-established theorems, laws, or rules of calculus, which are the working tools in these exact sciences, God also acts and accomplishes His divine intentions through His tools, which are usually beings and entities that fulfill the role of “emissaries” and “perpetrators” of divine plans. This is a reality that transpires from every action that is observed in Creation because everything always worked perfectly and without cracks, even though it often seems to us — in the face of the subjectivism we manifest — that things do not go as they should and as we wish.

In the case of the creation of the human being — as a distinct humanoid race on Earth — things happened the same way. God acted through His “instruments” that were best suited to accomplish this very complex plan, instruments which in the case at hand referred to several very advanced alien civilizations. These were mainly the Sirian civilizations controlled by their Supreme Council, the Arcturian civilization, and the Pleiadian civilization. All of these, in turn, were guided by celestial supernatural entities to accomplish the divine mission that had been entrusted to them.

We are talking about extraterrestrial civilizations that have reached a high degree of spiritual and technological development and who very well understand the divine laws of the cosmos, both physically and subtly. All of their actions were divinely integrated and enjoyed the support and inspiration of the great beings in the superior celestial hierarchies. For as I have seen and subsequently understood, the creation of the human being in this way — and even the formation of Earth and the solar system over eons of time — were based upon certain intentions and clear and profound ideas with a “great pulse in time” that is hidden and unknown to the majority of beings. Therefore, everything that has happened with regard to the appearance and evolution of man on Earth is not a particular fad, play or experiment of any extraterrestrial civilization, but was and is totally the Will of God, expresed by the very high level of consciousness of the main extraterrestrial civilizations that have assumed this mission and then took part in the creation of the human being on our planet (144-145).


Cinamar, Radu (2020). Forgotten Genesis. Westbury, New York: Sky Books.

See also Nibiru: The Lord of the Harvest is Here
See also Who are the Anunnaki?

Kissinger, Satanic Council controlled presidents through Monarch sex slaves since JFK

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12 Again He spoke to me, “O son of Adam, have you seen what the elders of the House of Yisrael are doing in the darkness, everyone in his image-covered chamber? For they say, ‘Hashem does not see us; Hashem has abandoned the country.’”

13 And He said to me, “You shall see even more terrible abominations which they practice.”

14 Next He brought me to the entrance of the north gate of the House of Hashem; and there sat the women bewailing Tammuz.

15 He said to me, “Have you seen, O son of Adam? You shall see even more terrible abominations than these.”

16 Then He brought me into the inner court of the House of Hashem, and there, at the entrance to the Temple of Hashem, between the portico and the mizbayach, were about twenty-five men, their backs to the Temple of Hashem and their faces to the east; they were bowing low to the sun in the east [Lucifer]. Ezekiel Chapter 9


Susan Ford was born in 1951 into a German-American family. Seen from the outside, she seemed to have an ideal life.

As I entered junior high school, I did the things that normal kids do; I was a cheerleader, performed in the chorus, sang solos at school performances, won awards for the most beautiful smile and for being the class clown, and obtained other awards for service. And my mother had the cleanest house in the neighborhood.

However, Susan’s family were related to the Committee of 300, which is subordinate to the 13 bloodline families, one of which is the Kennedy family. Both of her parents were under the control of the Satanic Council.

Henry Kissinger began to program Susan at a young age (mind fracturing must begin before age 5) to be a Monarch sex slave, experimenting with different modalities of mind-control programming, including implants. These programming techniques, all of them excruciatingly painful, were developed by figures connected to the CIA such as Ewen Cameron, Wilhelm Reich, Reinhard Gehlen and Josef Mengele (known in the U.S. as Dr. Green).

The intentionally inflicted and often extreme child abuse I endured was the necessary “preparation through trauma” that my controllers regarded as prerequisite to my creation as a sex/espionage agent serving within the government and beyond to an overarching cabal of only a handful of individuals, who I overheard referred to as “The Council” [Satanic Council]. For years I witnessed the attempts and deeds they performed to control not only our government, but foreign governments as well. This initial childhood trauma was necessary to create within me multiple personalities for later use by them, insuring their success of my involuntary use and participation in their plan for one world government, where you and I are to work in varying levels — as controlled slaves or, as they say, “worker bees.”

Even before becoming President Kennedy’s programmed sex slave at age 11 or 12, Susan was already being flown from her home in Woodland Hills, California, to Washington D.C.

The Onset of Puberty

I started menstruating at ten, and my father snuck into my room like he always did at night. He explained to me while I was in a haze of sleep, that I was of the superior race, that I was of Aryan descent, and that he was proud of my blond hair, green eyes, and fair skin. At the time, I had no idea what he was talking about and ignored it, pretending I didn’t hear him.

By the end of the 5th grade, when I was almost eleven, I had gone through puberty, was fully developed and had already had my menstrual cycle for a year.

Puberty heralded abuse in rituals which involved being raped and impregnated, sometimes twice a year. When the fetuses were two to three months old, they were aborted at rituals and ingested by members of the group in order to fulfill the beliefs of the group; that it made those participating “more powerful.” These were devastating, deeply traumatizing, and soulfully painful experiences, the memory of which was repressed along with all the other traumas. These traumatic events served as mind-control reinforcement, to insure amnesia of my use in pornography, prostitution, and later projects I was to serve in.

Socially prominent grandfather

When I turned eleven, my father announced he was flying me to his small hometown of Correctionville, lowa, to meet my grandparents.

My paternal grandfather, Ivan Charles Eckhart, was a Jersey Ice Cream manufacturer, a multimillionaire and mayor of Correctionville. Later on he was elected county supervisor and for years was involved in local and state politics.

When my father began taking me to lowa, I had the first of several forced abortions, which was performed in a torturous fashion by a local doctor. Although I was raped and made pregnant at a ritual, I was humiliated and shamed for becoming pregnant. As part of my trauma-based mind control, I was blamed and shamed for everything that happened, none of which I ever had any control over.

My baby, which was not yet old enough to be born alive, was nevertheless a perfectly formed fetus. My grandparents and my father performed a ritual behind their house in which they convinced me that I had killed my own baby, and they ate it and forced me to participate. Since I was suffering from MPD, this traumatic experience, along with many others, was stored neatly away from my conscious mind, hidden in alternate personalities, and sealed away from my conscious awareness by programming that covered and hid the truth of my life.

During the remainder of the time we were in lowa, I was forced to entertain my grandfather’s business and political friends. I danced naked on the table at meetings and performed sexual favors for many of my grandfather’s associates. To demonstrate my abilities, my father prompted the men to use their cigars or cigarettes to burn my vaginal area as I kneeled before them. My father wanted to demonstrate that I would smile and show no signs of the pain due to mind control. After these meetings, I was connected to a higher level of politicians.

Pentagrams and swastikas

One weekend my father took me and my brothers to our Twenty-nine Palms cabin, where they involved me in a sex ritual. They got me drunk, then stripped and tied me by my wrists and ankles face up in the sand in the intense desert sun. They seemed so excited as they did this to me. My father painted a Satanic pentagram and green swastikas on my body. Later on, as it began to get dark he poured gas in a wide circle around me and once it was really dark he lit a match, which started a fire burning all around me. I thought they were going to cook me. They put a half-dead, sandy, horned toad in my mouth and told me to hold it there. My brother Rick was running all around in an excited frenzy and my brother Jim was there also. At this ritual, in addition to traumatizing me, they were being taught how to be in charge. I was raped by all of them and their friends.

Trauma bonding

I attended Hale Junior High School, which was located directly across the street from our church, the First Presbyterian Church of Woodland Hills. It was at Hale, in the 7th grade (we were thirteen), that I met Craig Ford.

Over the next several years, Craig and I were “bonded” to each other through crossprogramming and shared trauna to insure that Craig was under sufficient mind control to later serve as my handler. A ritual at the First Presbyterian Church served to seal our bond, and soon other more sophisticated means of programming were utilized.

Large white vans with men in suits in the back picked us up at differing locations in Ventura and Oxnard, California, and directed us into the back of the van. Specialized equipment in briefcases and other larger equipment in the van awaited us. They routinely beat Craig in front of me to demonstrate what a weakling he was and how powerful and in-control of me they were. They would slap me around in front of him as well, to show him how powerless he was to help me and how much in-control they were.

Electroshock was used on both of us, first by inserting and activating an electric prod in my vagina and then delivering the same to Craig on his penis. We were forced to watch in a dissociative trance state as the other was tortured and traumatized as they readied us for programming.

After they had sufficiently worn us down, they strapped us into sophisticated chairs and hooked us up to electrodes. Tones were combined with electroshock in order to create access cues that gave them quick and easy access to us both later on. Hypnotic suggestions and love songs were presented to us in order to facilitate our “falling madly in love.” . . .

Combined with scenarios such as this, my brothers and their muscle-bound friends would intercept us when we were parked after a date to kiss. They pulled Craig out of the car and beat him up as they instructed him not to touch me sexually. Then one of them would rape me in front of him as they restrained him nearby, rendering him once again powerless to help.

All these conditioning experiences served to prepare Craig to robotically deliver and hand me over to other men, then step aside while I passed messages or serviced them sexually. It was always his job to make sure I was delivered to the right place, at the right time, to the right person, and for many years, that is exactly what he did.

Chapter Six: JFK and the Sex Shuttle

During a demonstration of the high level of technology available to those willing to join the ranks, Henry masterfully delivered a slide presentation of the mind control technology. I sat in the darkened room in “park mode,” with my conscious mind seemingly blocked from the information, yet carrying out the command of my master to perfectly record all that went on around me. First Henry flashed a slide of me in my normal California life. He said, “Who in their right mind would believe that this kid was having sexual relations with the president of the United States?” The men agreed. Then he followed by a series of slides of me artfully made up, dressed formally and in different disguises. The men were amazed at the difference.

Many men were brought into the cause simply because they wanted to own a piece of the rock and have their own robots to do their work or create their pleasures: At first they were given just bits of information at a time, to determine if they would be cooperative. Then they were given a little more information to test the waters to see if they were ready for the final blow. Usually dozens of meetings occurred on superficial levels before any real information was given out and that was only released when the men were “deeply committed,” which meant that they would be endangering themselves or their family if they backed out at a certain point.

The Stepford Wives movie poster (1975)

In the beginning when Henry was cultivating my relationship with JFK and insuring him of my security guarantees, Henry didn’t fill me with much of an agenda except to give JFK the “royal treatment,” which meant the same as Bob’s (Hope’s) full smorgasbord of sexual positions and favors. Henry told me to carefully note everything JFK said and did for debriefing afterwards. Henry had a challenge with JFK because as he said, “he’s so damn self-initiating,” and so Henry couldn’t have me take the lead, thereby slipping in comments intended for Henry’s covert purposes. So for awhile in the beginning, he just let me be with JFK so that he would get used to me, and Henry said, “Then a plan will inevitably open up.”

Kissinger didn’t spend a lot of time with JFK. They spoke but it was like they were “polar opposites and constantly repelled each other,” Henry said. But Henry, and especially Bob [Hope] as the front man, got to JFK and paved the way for his acceptance of me. Once we were in, then Henry started strategizing heavily. That is what happened after I began having sex with JFK. Henry said, “Mind files were created to delight the young president.” As Kissinger expected, JFK was a romantic and seemed to get caught up in many of the messages I delivered to him. The messages made him feel good and Henry wanted him to feel good and powerful with me. I was delivering high-level [Satanic] Council messages created by Bob and Henry, which Henry instilled in me to deliver to “John-Feeee” — that’s what I called him. They got a war underway through JFK [Vietnam], a big war that was to influence not only America but also the international climate.

Meeting JFK for the first time

When I arrived at the airport in DC, I was met by different people. This time it was a blonde lady in a uniform and she walked me out to a waiting black limo and opened the back door for me to get in. I did, and she put my bag in next to me. This was before I met Craig, so I was eleven or twelve years old, going on twenty-five.

Pelosi, age 20, at President Kennedy’s inauguration,

I wasn’t taken directly to JFK but was taken to the area where they operated the “Lincoln Memorial Shuttle” (oral sex ride). A limo pulled up and I was whisked into the back of it. Once inside I saw that “John-Feee” was there and he said hello and began tickling me. . . .

After awhile, JFK tapped on the inner window in the limo to get the driver’s attention and said, “Stop here.”

The driver said, “Here, Sir?”

JFK commanded, “Yes,” and opened the door and grabbed my arm and took me into this small motel. . . .

It was as common for foreign dignitaries, heads of state, senators, congressmen, governors, and other leaders, to ride the Lincoln Memorial (Oral Sex) Tour, as it was for them to get their shoes shined in the local hotels. In fact, I was programmed to say, “Want your shoe shined?” Then I would unzip him and begin.

I serviced many men on this so-called shuttle service over the years of my life that should have been filled with junior high, high school and college extracurricular activities of my own choosing. The elitists I worked for had an endless supply of slaves for the shuttle.

JFK rode the L.M. sex tour regularly, and while I was down on my knees he would pat me on the back and say, “You are really going to move up the ranks.” Or, “You’re really going to amount to something when you grow up, kid.” He loved lunchtime oral sex.

JFK was really gutsy. He would even sneak me into the White House for “nooners.” Sometimes there was another sex slave with me, and when we’d get up to the bedroom he would say, “We’re just furthering your training so you’ll be top-notch when you grow up.” . . .


There were times when Henry would have a driver take me from D.C. to his office in New York. He would work with me in the back seat after he told the driver, “I’ll be busy working and I don’t want to be interrupted.” So the driver shut the window between the seats and Henry would debrief me and tak sketchy notes, draw diagrams and plans while I was talking or he would touch his finger to my forehead and start uploading me for future assignments. Much of our work took place like this on drives between places usually just before or afer I had been used at the White House or other places. It was convenient, as well as a security measure, because he could account for his time spent with me by saying, “I was en route to N.Y. or D.C.” or wherever he was going, and since I was on the same time track as Henry it was all very time efficient. . . .

During my years at Hale Jr. High School, there were times Kissinger pre-programmed and sent me in with a message to deliver while I was prostituted to JFK. I was a cheerleader and was prostituted to the boy’s coach along the way. I had a group of girl friends that were part of my Girl Scout Troop, [and] | went to a lot of sleepovers. Many times I didn’t end up staying overnight, but was instead shuffled off for a quick rendezvous to the White House or to Massachusetts, or wherever the higher-ups wanted me to go to be with JFK.

Why JFK and His Brother Really Got Shot

One day in his office, Henry said, “You won’t be servicing him (JFK) much longer. The higher-ups have some alternate plans for him.” At the time I felt he meant death. Henry said, “This will lock you in for life.” Later, they used JFK’s death on me heavily.

When JFK was killed I was in junior high school and my controllers told me, “If we can take out the president without anyone knowing, who would miss the likes of you?” They told me I was dispensable, easily replaceable, and that no one would ever miss me if I were gone.

JFK had ties to Frank Sinatra and his group. I was shared around all these type groups because of Bob’s and Henry’s influence. The Kennedys were highly mob-connected, especially Bobby, as surprising as that might seem. JFK took a mob dispute with him clear to the White House and attempted to use his power as president to shut down his enemies. He publicly appeared to go after the mob, but he was interested in shutting down only one enemy faction. But he had to publicly say he was going after all underworld crime in order to be able to legally do what he tried to do: dismantle the mob that opposed the Kennedy family clan. I overheard Joe Kennedy yelling at JFK at a family reunion when he was president. He told him to stop messing with the mob, to leave it alone, that he didn’t know what he was doing.

Joe Kennedy was very happy with the marriage of Jackie to Jack, because Jackie brought with her a mob faction that would help build up Jack and the future Kennedy dynasty. At least that’s what I heard him say. Joe Kennedy was big on mob connections, like his friend, J.P. Morgan, who was an important mob buddy and supporter. They supported each other.

As Joe Kennedy got weaker, the tight rein of coexistence he held with the mob began to loosen and his sons became sloppy and careless, and didn’t take seriously the rules of the mob. Like Uncle Frank (Sinatra) said, “You don’t ever try to go against the mob or you’ll wind up in the morgue or worse yet, sleeping with the fishes.”

I was born into Uncle Charlie’s mob connection and he heavily influenced my life because of his arms, munitions and drug connections all over the globe. These were some serious connections that made him sought after by members of the [Satanic] Council. In those days, the mob made the money and powerful connections. They were the power behind the Council, initially the connections that allowed the Council to [gain power]. The mob provided important funding in the early years, but later the Council took away much of their power over monopolies through intelligence and outsmarting them with technology.


Brice Taylor (1993). Thanks for the Memories: The Truth Has Set Me Free!

The memoirs of Bob Hope’s and Henry Kissinger’s mind-controlled slave, used as a presidential sex toy and personal “mind-file” computer


Draco Takeover Through Hybridization

By Radu Cinamar

Arturo Sosa Abascal, black pope

Bloodline families

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The period of c. 100,000 years ago was very black for humanity because it involved a devastating conflict between many of the alien civilizations that existed on Earth at that time. I would even say that it was the most terrible confrontation I have ever seen in relation to Earth, but it was entirely from extraterrestrial sources. All the belligerent parties were extraterresterial and disputed their territories or sphere of influence. It was a very difficult period and a period of rupture, because many civilizations then separated from the Galactic Alliance which they had joined.

The Dramatic Influence of Malefic Reptiles

Due to the very advanced technologies and the nature of the weaponry used, life on the surface of the planet had much to suffer, and in some areas, which are now underwater, it was completely eradicated. I saw terrible images of this conflict, which took place both in the atmosphere and in space. I was struck by the fact that the intensity of the fighting was so great that a significant part of the sky as seen from the ground was almost red.

The main source of misunderstandings was complex in nature. It involved a race of evil beings in our galaxy with reptilian features. In the economy of the universe, the reptilians seem to have a special destiny because they appear at key points in the evolution of races or civilizations, even if their actions are unconscious in this aspect but directed only for selfish controlling and oppressive purposes.

From the presentation I saw, reptilian beings live long lives. In order to develop, they seek suitable land from which to feed. That is to say, the reptilians seek to conquer planets and civilizations in order to exploit them.

[However, they do so in such a way that they do not violate the Law of Noninterference. To evade this law, the reptilians have became adept in infiltration through subversive actions. They corrupt and conquer a civilization not by military might, but through undermining, intrigue and corruption.]

In other words, they are not brutal predators in most cases, but they work at more refined levels, through hybridization and by introducing genes with low vibrational frequencies. They know that if they can corrupt enough DNA in a race, it will eventually retain their specific traits whereby they will then always have a point of support and action in that civilization. The greater this specific imprint on the DNA of a race, the better for the reptilians, because they will then be able to influence it more easily when it comes to decisions and actions.

Corruptions by Hybridization

Their plans are therefore less violent and immediate, without large-scale cosmic battles. A more long-term strategy is employed by infusing the DNA of some races with their own DNA. In time, they know that this action will corrupt our race, at least to some extent, and such weaknesses may be used later for their own purposes.

In this way, the evil reptilians end up corrupting even advanced civilizations in an indirect way. As I said, they always aim to orient themselves towards those civilizations that are not very developed but which still belong to cosmic alliances or have entrances to developed civilizations. By applying the hybridization method, they simply infiltrate the germs of evil into that civilization or alliance of developed civilizations, placing their hybrids in important places and thus creating gaps in the security and good understanding of that alliance. It is a very subversive but effective way of spreading their evil influence in the galaxy. This was also the way they acted on Earth.

(See The Black Nobility of Venice)

Using infiltration through some of the civilizations that are members of the Galactic Alliance, and even a civilization that descended from the original Sirians but settled in a star system other than that of the Sirius A star, they transmitted elements of their own DNA to the human population.

(See Who are the Anunnaki?)

What surprised me somewhat was that the infiltration was not a massive one, but rather a subtle path. We have seen that, through certain actions of hybridization, their genes initually corrupted the DNA of a small number of human beings. That corruption, however, later spread to a large number of beings, taking the form of negative ways of thinking and action. They have manifested themselves mainly through misguided beliefs which, through repetition from generation to generation, have created gaps and perverted connections within human DNA.

This subtle way of perverting was later used by people to achieve certain evil purposes.

(See The Luciferian Brotherhood System)

Thus, in ancient times, the reptilians first planted some bad seeds, which then proliferated and developed over time to the level at which their influence on human DNA could no longer be denied or annihilated. It is true, however, that this corruption does not occupy a large percentage of the DNA macromolecule: as we have seen it represents only about two-to-three percent. But even so, some tendencies, habits and actions chosen in contemporary society show us what negative effects can occur as a result of the resonances induced by this very dangerous civilization.


Cinamar, Radu (2020). Forgotten Genesis. Westbury, New York: Sky Books.

Borja, Breakspeare, Somaglia, Orsini, Conti, Chici, Colonna, Farnese, Medici, Gaetani, Pamphili, Este, Aldobrandini, Astor, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Reynolds, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, VanDuyn

Nibiru – The Lord of the Harvest is here

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Introduced to the public by Zecharia Sitchin, an expert on ancient civilizations, Nibiru is sometimes called Planet X or Planet 9. Its 3,600-year orbit was due to overlap with Earth in 2016.

The arrival of Nibiru could mean the fulfillment of the prophecy told in Zechariah 13:8, that two of every three people will die.

“And it shall come to pass that in all the land saith the LORD two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein.” Zechariah 13:8 (Israel365news.com)

From the Zecharia Sitchin documentary www.thesitchinarchives.com

After thinking about how best to introduce the subject of Nibiru, I decided to begin with this quote from a high-ranking Luciferian who invited the public to ask him questions online in 2008:

“Can you elaborate on the coming harvest, and what exactly you mean by harvest?”

Yes, the noonday winter solstice sun of December 21st, 2012 is the time when the Lord of The Harvest shall return. You might know him as Nibiru.

Read up on the Mayan prophesies and calendrical events for more detail upon how the actual galactic and universal cycles work. The “travelers” who gave them this information were the same ones who visited Atlantis.

Your planet abides by the laws of the creation of your galactic logos. The galaxy runs on cycles of time, known as the Precession of the Equinoxes. As I said, seek the Mayan calendar for a deeper insight as to how the galaxy runs (it is highly accurate), but for the purpose of this discourse, I will give a brief overview.

The Maya use an astrological cycle called the “Precession of the Equinoxes”. This is a 26,000-year cycle. This Mayan cycle also corresponds to a 26,000-year relationship of the sun (solar logos) orbiting Alcyone, the central star of our Seven Sisters Pleiades constellation.

The end of this cycle heralds a new world age and a new creation, “a new heaven and a new Earth,” and is the time of the Great Harvest. Smaller cycles yield a harvest, and then life continues on the planet as normal. Great cycles yield a great harvest, and the end of current life on the 3rd density.

When this life-cycle ends, “All things will pass away, and all things shall be made new.” https://www.wanttoknow.info/secret_societies/hidden_hand_081018

To summarize Hidden Hand, Nibiru has a connection to the final harvest of souls from Earth, which he predicted would take place on winter solstice in 2012.


The 26,000-year cycle is comprised of 5 lesser cycles, each of which is 5,128 years in duration. Each of these 5 cycles is considered its own world age or creation cycle. Our present cycle (3114 B.C. – 2012 A.D.) is called the age of the fifth sun. – Hidden Hand

Regarding the contradiction between Nibiru’s 3,600-year orbit, which was established by Zecharia Sitchin, and the 5,128-year creation cycle of the Mayan calendar, I invite your thoughts in the comments.

Description of Nibiru

In 2018 or 2019, the people of an Inner Earth civilization named Apellos invited a Romanian intelligence officer, Radu Cinamar, to use a device that presents the akashic records in a form that the user of the device can understand. Over the course of two days, he was shown how mankind was created. The following account is from Forgotten Genesis (2019):

An image of a huge alien ship appeared on the screen. It was spherical and amazingly large, like a planetoid. I could make this comparison because it was close to Earth. There were then some quick flashes from different areas of that colossal structure before the image stabilized and focused on the central control area of the ship.

We saw a large room where humanoid beings were present, taller than our present average. The image stopped and focused on the man who seemed to be the master of the ship who was in front of a large holographic screen. At that moment, I was shown how the ship’s master decided to emit an electromagnetic signal, which was blended with the gravitational influence of a star. I noticed that if I imagined a line from that ship passing through the center of Earth, the star was in the diametrically opposed area.

On the holographic screen in the giant ship’s control room, we saw a linear assortment of lines and symbols that resembled stars that we can now see on astronomical maps, but with an astonishing accuracy of details.

I received telepathic information that the ship’s commander actually looked at the screen towards the possibliity of creating a change in the DNA of primates on Earth [by] supporting the modification of the carbon atoms in the DNA helix chain. (p. 100)

“The Neiberau was beyond the Moon, perfectly round and slightly smaller, shining brightly in the sky, but it was different in this respect from the Moon by its light blue color, as seen from Earth.” (p. 110)

To summarize Forgotten Genesis, mankind was created by Sirian beings, by first accelerating the evolution of primates, and much later combining the evolved primate DNA with that of more spiritually evolved ET races.

The Sirian beings began working on Earth’s primates in 432000 B.C.  In 372500 B.C. the moon-sized Sirian ship arrived, and its master, Tenekau, personally observed the primates, who were by then at the stage of homo erectus. He began working on them with the goal of creating mankind.

Artistic conception of a Sirian.

The Creator Council

This is where the story of mankind gets complicated. We are told by the Torah that we were created by a coucil called the Elohim. We are told by other sources that a council met on a far-away planet called Hatona (Stewart Swerdlow), and that they agreed to combine the DNA from several different species to create mankind. This account was supported by Apollymi Mandylion.

(7:00) The Fifth Era of Man [after the flood — the fifth 5,125-year creation cycle] is a new genetic anomaly that they created that houses more than one type of species’ souls. This allows multiple species that have never been able to incarnate as a human to be able to do so and have a different experience.

Another rule came about because the Fourth Era of Man had so much war stemming from having their ET creators there. They did not want a repeat of those events, so, the creator deities were not allowed to live among us. (See Zecharia Sitchin, The Wars of Gods and Men)

And so they took that away, and the amnesia. And all we have available to learn about the past is oral history and written histories. Because by Star Seed Council law—the council from Source—every seed planet has to know about the evaluation and ascension of one’s mind, body and spirit to become part of the galactic community.

(15:00) You have the choice of ascending or not ascending.  It’s a choice, because that’s just part of evolution. Some people just aren’t ready; they want to live in a 3rd-dimensional or 4th-dimensional existence. (https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2023/07/25/merrily-milmoe-apollymi-mandylion-parts-1-2/)

To summarize Stewart Swerdlow and Apollymi Mandylion, mankind is a experimental race created by a council using the DNA of several different societies. Because of this, there is a diversity of souls who have incarnated as humans.

Which Sirians?

The Sirian race that accelerated the evolution of primates appear to have helped other ET races to create hybrids — forming first the E-N-K genetic line, then the E-N-L genetic line, and then many variants. But this wasn’t the kind of gross, inept, deformity-producing genetic engineering that ETs began doing on humanity in the latter half of the 20th century without anyone’s consent. Rather, this was sublime work carried out by highly evolved beings working within the laws of creation.

Who were these wonderful beings?

To answer this question, it must be understood that all races that originated on Sirius A are called Anunnaki, even races that are nothing like the beings on Sirius A (see “Who Are the Anunnaki?”). My working theory is that three Sirian races have been involved with mankind: positive Anunnaki from the Orion constellation (maybe ENLIL), negative Anunnaki (maybe ENKI); and the Anunnaki from Sirius A (maybe ANU, the father).


Cinamar asked the man from Apellos where the beings were from.

I then asked which alien civilizations those beings belonged to, and I immediately received the response in my cortex that it was one of the civilizations derived from the Sirians, which originated from a system in the constellation of Orion’s Belt. The images then suddenly changed and I saw a multi-planet system around a relatively small star located in the vicinity of the main stars of Orion’s Belt. (p. 104)

Orion’s Belt and the M42 cluster, home of the Nebu.

Cinamar (2019) also describes the Sirian commander as spiritually evolved.

In the images I saw, Tenekau was a being that emanated a lot of bliss and deep respect for cosmic laws. I could tell from his outfit and the features of his face that his vast experience had revealed many spiritual mysteries and shaped his formidable destiny, linked to that of the future of humanity. (p. 115)

Yet, the Anunnaki “gods” that we are familiar with are reptilian slavers who love human sacrifice. Clearly, the being who came to Earth in the Neiberau, Tenekau, can’t belong to the same group that created bloodthirsty “gods” such as Inanna (Ashtaroth), Nimrod and Marduk.

The only explanation is that there are different races of Anunnaki, and one works with the Luciferians. This was suggested by a statement made by Commander Val Nek, of the Galactic Federation, on August 1, 2022:

The Anunnaki are not members of the Federation, and they made an alliance many years ago with the Draco reptilians to experiment on the human race genetically. He’s saying, ‘This is correct.’  He’s saying, ‘Make them into a slave race.’ (https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2022/06/15/who-are-the-anunnaki/)

Enuma Elish – The Babylonian Story of Creation

Tablet V

1 He fashioned heavenly stations for the great gods,

2 And set up constellations, the patterns of the stars.

3 He appointed the year, marked off divisions,

4 And set up three stars each for the twelve months.

5 After he had organized the year,

6 He established the heavenly station of Ne-beru to fix the stars’ intervals.

7 That none should transgress or be slothful

8 He fixed the heavenly stations of Enlil and Ea with it.

9 Gates he opened on both sides,

10 And put strong bolts at the left and the right.

11 He placed the heights (of heaven) in her (Tia-mat’s) belly, [Inner Earth?]


Tablet VII

122 (48) Aša-ru, who, as his name says, mustered the Divine Fates

123 He indeed is the warden of absolutely all peoples.

124 As (49) Ne-beru let him hold the crossing place of heaven and underworld,

125 They should not cross above or below, but should wait for him.

126 Ne-beru is his star, which he caused to shine in the sky,

127 Let him take his stand on the heavenly staircase that they may look at him.

128 Yes, he who constantly crosses the Sea without resting,

129 Let his name be Ne-beru, who grasps her middle,

130 Let him fix the paths of the stars of heaven,

131 Let him shepherd all the gods like sheep,

132 Let him bind Tia-mat and put her life in mortal danger,

133 To generations yet unborn, to distant future days,

134 May he continue unchecked, may he persist into eternity.

135 Since he [Ne-beru] created the heavens and fashioned the earth,

136 Enlil, the father, called him by his own name, (50) ‘Lord of the Lands’.

137 Ea heard the names which all the Igigi called

138 And his spirit became radiant.

139 “Why! He whose name was extolled by his fathers

140 Let him, like me, be called ‘Ea’.


To summarize Enuma Elish, Marduk “established the heavenly station of Ne-beru to fix the stars’ intervals.” This is in accord with what Radu Cinamar describes in Forgotten Genesis:

What amazed me was the fact that this ship occupied different positions in the galaxy, filling the corresponding “empty” place of another star in the essential configurations I was shown. I understood then that it was placed in an area of the galaxy so as to create the structures necessary to implement, in successive phases, the appropriate frequency to cause some change in the DNA of primates on Earth. (p. 109)

Forgotten Genesis, p. 110.

Forgotten Genesis, p. 111.

The Enuma Elish continues: “That none should transgress or be slothful, He fixed the heavenly stations of Enlil and Ea with it.”

From this verse we learn that whoever created Earth — the scripture states it was Marduk, but then states it was Ne-beru: I believe it was the Elohim — gave to Enlil and Ea (Enki) “heavenly stations,” and this was so that “none should transgress or be slothful.”

Which law must we not transgress?

By sloth, does it mean the failure to work on one’s spiritual evolution?

As I said above, my theory is that Enki is connected to Lucifer, the deceiver, who shows mankind what is wrongful, and Enlil is connected to YHWH (Yehuva), since Enuma Elish calls Enlil “the father.”

We also read in the Enuma Elish that Enki — probably in order to confuse mankind — decreed that Ne-beru should be called by the same name by which he was called — Ea.

Who goes aboard the Nibiru?

Some wicked characters (Elena Danaan and Richard Williams) have said that “Prince Ea” is someone we should revere, and Danaan describes the Nibiru as a ship we should wish to be on. According to Danaan, the Nibiru arrived in 2022 (https://www.youtube.com/live/PU-myup7KCU?si=Zz_rNiaazhyxFoGs)

Satanists Oprah Winfrey and Richard Williams, whose stage name is Prince Ea

We know for a fact that Earth is ascending to the fifth dimension; therefore, everyone who raises his consciousness would logically stay on Earth, right? This means that Nibiru has something to do with transferring souls who choose to remain in the 3rd density to Tribulation Earth. Furthermore, according to Hidden Hand, these souls will be given amnesia. In other words, they will undergo a kind of death.

Another interesting thing the Enuma Elish says is that Ne-beru shepherds even the gods:

131 Let him shepherd all the gods like sheep.

If Ne-beru judges even the gods, then he is the highest judge of souls. This means that there is only one way to remain on Earth, which is to satisfy Ne-beru that one is devoted to the One God and not to one’s ego.


Barahona, Diana (2023). “Who Are the Anunnaki?” https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2022/06/15/who-are-the-anunnaki/

Barahona, Diana (2023). “Chronological History of the Terran Race” https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2023/07/26/chronological-history-of-the-terran-race/

Cinamar, Radu (2019). Forgotten Genesis. Westbury, New York: Sky Books (https://skybooksusa.com)

Enuma Elish – The Babylonian Story of Creation – https://www.worldhistory.org/article/225/enuma-elish—the-babylonian-epic-of-creation—fu/

Sitchin, Zecharia (1991). The 12th Planet. New York: Inner Traditions (https://www.innertraditions.com/books/the-12th-planet-book-i)


Swerdlow, Stewart (2002). Blue Blood, True Blood: Conflict and Creation–A Personal Account. St. Joseph, Michigan:Expansions Publishing Company, Inc.

Appendix Hidden Hand

Return to Hidden Hand

“Can you elaborate on the “coming harvest” and what exactly you mean by harvest?”

I can. I will combine my answer to you with my reply to the following question:

“Is 2012 harvest time? When you speak of the harvest, it has echoes of Chaos Gnosticism in the sense that we are divine souls trapped in the physical world, continuously re-incarnated into flesh until the time that we reach such a level of spiritual ‘gnosis’ that we are able to avoid being re-incarnated in our next cycle. Is this the foundation of your belief?”

Another excellent (and very insightful) question. Thank you. The higher the quality of the question, the more depth I can give to my answer. It all has to do with the laws of confusion and free will.

Yes, the noonday winter solstice sun of December 21st, 2012 is the time when the Lord of The Harvest shall return. You might know him as Nibiru.


reply posted on 20-10-2008 @ 12:01 AM by Hidden_Hand

Read up on the Mayan prophesies and calendrical events for more detail upon how the actual galactic and universal cycles work. The travelers who gave them this information were the same ones who visited the the civilization of Atlantis. The Mayans used that information by creating with the positive vibration of the polarity. The Atlanteans opted for the negative.

To answer your question, there is much truth in some of the ancient gnostic texts, though there are also distortions. The information is not pure. It came through many filters.

You are indeed what you call divine souls; you are sparks or seeds of the One Infinite Creator. You are life itself (light), remembering and learning who you really are (we came here to help you to do this). And, yes, you are trapped (or more accurately, quarantined) within the matter of this planet you call Earth.

You can thank your Creator Yahweh for that. You are the offspring or individuations of his group soul (or social memory complex). Macrocosmically speaking, you ARE Yahweh. The karmic effect of his imprisoning us in his astral planes also has an impact upon you. I cannot be more specific on this without impinging on the law of confusion; you must work it out for yourselves.

As for the question of whether I can elaborate on the coming harvest, I shall do so now.

Your planet abides by the laws of the creation of your galactic logos. The galaxy runs on cycles of time known as the precession of the equinoxes. As I said, seek the Mayan calendar for a deeper insight as to how the galaxy runs (it is highly accurate), but for the purpose of this discourse, I will give a brief overview.

The Maya use an astrological cycle called the precession of the equinoxes. This is a 26,000-year cycle in which Earth transits through each of the 12 signs of the zodiac for approximately 2,152 years each. Each of these astrological ages represents one month of the grand cosmic year. This Mayan cycle also corresponds to a 26,000-year relationship of the sun (solar logos) orbiting Alcyone, the central star of our Seven Sisters Pleiades constellation.

The end of this cycle heralds literally, a new world age and a new creation, “a new heaven, and a new Earth,” and is the time of the great harvest. Smaller cycles yield a harvest, and then life continues on the planet as normal. Great cycles yield a great harvest, and the end of current life on the 3rd density. See it as a time when the planet takes a rest and regenerates herself.

When this life-cycle ends, all things will pass away and all things shall be made new.

Collectively, humanity right now is growing and developing, into the beings you have long been encoded to be. Yet, as with any labor, it is not the mother or the baby who is in charge, but the primal process of birth itself, unfolding its own destiny.

So, December 21, 2012 A.D. is not the day in which all of a sudden the lights go out and everything suddenly changes. Rather, we are NOW in the process of this transition, from one world age to the next. The changes are underway and will continue steadily accelerating as we head towards the culminating date.

The 26,000-year cycle is composed of 5 great cycles, each of which is 5,128 years in duration. Each of these 5 cycles is considered its own world age or creation cycle.

Our present great cycle (3114 B.C. – 2012 A.D.) is called the age of the fifth sun.

This fifth era is the synthesis of the previous four.

[The beginning of the fifth era was 13th of August, 3114 B.C. ( and the end is the 21st of December, 2012 (  https://www.mayaarchaeologist.co.uk/public-resources/maya-world/maya-calendar-system/]

[The Mayan date,, is August 11, 3114 B.C. This is 5,126 years before 21 December, 2012.]

To help you understand this notation:

13 = the number of bak’tun; 0 = K’atun; the 2nd 0 = Tun; the 3rd 0 = Uinal; the 4th 0 = Kin

These are the Mayan words for the periods of time:

Day = Kin
Month of 20 days/Kin = Uinal
Year of 360 days/Kin = Tun
20 Tun/years = K’atun (7 200 days)
20 K’atun = Bak’tun (144 000 days or 394 solar years)

Every day from that point is reckoned by the number of days passed since this cosmic beginning point on 13 August 3114 B.C.

Within the 5,128-year cycle lie 13 smaller cycles known as the 13-bak’tun count or the long count. Each bak’tun lasts 394 solar years, or 144,000 days. Each bak’tun was its own historical age within the great creation cycle, with a specific destiny for the evolution of those who incarnated in each bak’tun.

Planet Earth and her inhabitants are currently traveling through the 13th bak’tun: 1618 – 2012 A.D. This cycle is known both as “the triumph of materialism” and “the transformation of matter.”

On, the December solstice sun will be found in the band of the Milky Way, directly in the position of the “dark rift” in the galaxy, forming an alignment between the galactic plane and the solstice meridian. We are about to enter into a literal alignment of the cosmic, galactic, solar, and lunar planes. This is an event that has slowly converged, over a period of thousands of years, and is caused by the precession of the equinoxes. Kind of like a turning of the universal gears. It brings about the great harvest, and the return of the lord of the harvest.

It brings about the great harvest, and the return of the lord of the harvest.

And the planet will complete its ascension to the fourth density, the vibrational density of love. During this ascension, there will be a three-way split for those souls inhabiting Earth. Those of the predominantly negative polarity will accompany us as we graduate through the negative (or service-to-self) harvest. We (Lucifer) will create a new 4th-density Earth based on the negative service-to-self polarity. We must work off our own part of the negative karmic effect incurred from all the negativity created on this planet. Once we have done so, we will be released to once again assume our place as sixth-density guardians and teachers of wisdom throughout the galaxy.

Those of the predominantly positive polarity (love and light) will ascend to a beautiful new fourth-density Earth, where you will begin to work upon your learning and demonstrating of love and compassion. It will be a very beautiful and golden age. The fourth density begins to open you up to your true powers as a unique individualized aspect of the One Infinite Creator. You will perform works and wonders as Yeshua said you would: “and even greater things than these.” It will be a very magical time for you.

For the majority of humans on the earth who could be considered, shall we say, lukewarm, they will experience a period of zero-point time, where you feel totally at one with the Creator, giving you an encouraging reminder and glimpse of who you really are, before the veil of forgetfulness once again descends upon you and you are transported to another third-density planet (an Earth replica), to continue working upon yourselves and learning that life here is all about making choices.

. . . before the veil of forgetfulness once again descends upon you and you are transported to another third-density planet . . .

You will remain quarantined, incarnating in 3rd-density matter until the time of the next harvest, in which time you will need to have proven that you have learned how to be more positive beings, focused more upon being of service to others rather than seeking only to serve yourselves. When you can do this, and the next harvest comes, you will have earned the right to join us, and enjoy your inheritance, as a member of the galactic community, and you will sit with us as brothers and sisters of the one, around the table of our galactic governing body, the Confederation of Planets.

For the full interview, click here.

Dr. Diane Davies, expert on the Maya calendar https://www.mayaarchaeologist.co.uk/public-resources/maya-world/maya-calendar-system/

Hidden Hand

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“Remember, always, that this is a beautiful game that we are playing here and co-creating together with our Infinite Creator. And that off stage (between lives), we are the very best of friends. No one really dies and no one really suffers, except in the game. The game is not reality: reality is reality. And you have the power to express your reality within the game once you have learnt how to do so.”

Below are  excerpts from a long internet conversation with a Luciferian high priest who goes by the alias, Hidden Hand, which took place in October, 2008.

Window of Opportunity

Ruling Bloodlines and the Family

I am a generational member of a ruling bloodline family. Every so often, as per the directives of the law of our Infinite Creator, a brief window of opportunity opens whereby a select handful of our family are required to make communication with our subjects.

Our lineage can be traced back beyond antiquity. There are 13 base or core original bloodlines; yet there are many, many other lines that spring from these. From the earliest times of your recorded history and beyond, our family has been directing the play from behind the scenes. We are born to lead. It is part of the design for this current paradigm.

There are six disciplines of training within the family and each member is schooled extensively in all of them from early childhood. The six disciplines are military, government, spiritual, scholarship, leadership and sciences. Though we have experience in all disciplines, we each have an area of specialty. My area of specialty is in spirituality.

* * *

“Are we really considered chattel and traded as such by the government?”

By the governments, generally, yes. People are seen as collateral, pawns that are maneuvered around the chess board according to the game plan. With respect to the family, contrary to popular beliefs, many of us do not mean you any harm directly. There is just the matter of divine destiny to uphold and unfold, and we must play our parts in the game, as given to us by the Creator.

It is actually in our own interest that you are prepared for the coming harvest — but perhapes you aren’t prepared in the way you would like. Still, even then, you are choosing the negative polarity of your own free-will decisions, with a little help and direction from us. Souls are harvestable at either extreme, one could say.

“If so, how do we become freemen?”

You will never be free for as long as you are incarnating on this planet. There is a reason why you are here, and here is very likely not where you think it is. How do you become free? By working out where you are and coming to an understanding of why you are here.

* * *

“Tell us one major event that will occur in the near future.”

I am not at liberty to discuss details, and in many cases I am not far enough up the hierarchy to know, anyway. Typically, I would receive a call a day before the enactment of a major event, just to tell me something along the lines of “This part of such and such a plan will take place tomorrow, in such and such a way; do not be alarmed.”

Also, my area is in spirituality, so my focus is not so much on geo-political events. I am aware of the overall design. I am prepared to tell you some things coming down the timeline so that you may verify my predictions retrospectively.

The stock markets will soon complete their controlled demolition. After an initial appearance that the bail-outs and rescue packages have steadied the ship, there will be new record lows by the end of the month.

Our financial institutions will later call in all loans. There will be many bankruptcies and foreclosures.

Unless any unforeseen disruptions delay its announcement, there will be a new currency by the end of 2008/early 2009, along with a new Union of Nations. January 2009 has been spoken of in some circles as the latest, though there are plans underway which could bring this to fruition earlier than initially hoped for. How this will play out depends upon the results of other upcoming events. I am not high enough up the hierarchy to know the dates and times that far in advance. There is a tree system by which knowledge is passed down as and when people have a need to know. I would be considered to be a regional leader; above me are national and international leaders.

San Francisco and Damascus, will be uninhabitable by the end of 2010, possibly sooner. Again, it depends upon certain forces at play and which timelines are activated. Humanity, though utterly unconscious of the fact, has a significant part to play in this. As a collective consciousness, you are choosing the negative polarization by the quality of your thoughts and actions. Thought is focused creative energy: you get exactly what you put out.

Why do you think the media are so important to us? In your hypnotized, comatose state, you have given your free-will consent to the state your planet is in today. You saturate your minds with the unhealthy dishes served up for you on your televisions that you are addicted to — violence, pornography, greed, hatred, selfishness, incessant bad news, fear and terrorism. When was the last time you stopped to think of something beautiful and pure? The planet is the way it is because of your collective thoughts about it.

You are complicit by your inaction every time you look the other way when you see an injustice. Your thought, projected at the sub-conscious level of creation to the Infinite Creator, is your permission for these things to occur. In so doing, you are serving our purpose. It is very important to us that the polarization of this planet is negative at the time of the great harvest. That means service to self as opposed to service to others. We require a negative harvest, and you are doing a fine job of helping us to attain our goal. We are very grateful.

There will be dramatic changes to your climate and weather conditions over the next few years, as the time of the great harvest approaches. You will see wind speeds surpassing 300 mph at times. There will be raging tsunamis and widespread devastation, and a solar emission in late 2009 or early 2010 that will cause melting of the ice caps and a dramatic rise in sea levels, leaving many metropolitan areas underwater.

* * *

In the Beginning

In the beginning, there is the Infinite One. This is the source of All That Is. Infinite consciousness. Intelligent infinity. It is the undifferentiated absolute. Within it is unlimited potential, waiting to become. Think of it as the “uncarved block” of your Taoist traditions.

There is unity. Infinite intelligence and infinite energy – the two are one. Within them is the potential for all creation. Infinite intelligence does not recognize its potential. It is the undifferentiated absolute. This state of consciousness could be called being. Infinite energy, in contrast, recognizes the potential of becoming all things in order to bring any desired experience into being.

Infinite intelligence, becoming aware of itself, seeks to experience itself, and thus the One Infinite Creator is born or manifest. In effect, the Creator is a point of focused infinite consciousness expressing infinite intelligent energy. The One Infinite Creator, also becoming self-aware, seeks to experience itself as Creator, and in so doing begins the next step down in the creational spiral.

On focusing its infinite intelligence, the One Infinite Creator manifests intelligent energy, which you could call the great central sun. It then divides itself into smaller portions of itself that can, in turn, experience themselves as creators (or central suns). In other words, each central sun (or creator) is a step down in conscious awareness (or distortion) from the original thought of creation.

Creation is based upon the Three Primary Distortions of The Infinite One:

1. Free will
2. Love
3. Light

1). Free Will: In the first law (or distortion) of creation, the creator receives the free will to know and experience itself as an individuated, though (paradoxically) unified, aspect of the One.

2). Love: In the second law of creation, the initial distortion of free will becomes a focus point of awareness known as logos, or love (“the word” in biblical terms). Love, or logos, using its infinite intelligent energy then takes on the role of co-creating a vast array of physical manifestations (thought forms) or densities (which some call dimensions or planes of existence), in which according to its intelligent design, will best offer the range of potential experiences in which it can know itself. In effect, the One Infinite Creator, in dividing itself into logos, could be called in your third-density understanding a “universal creator.” In other words, logos creates physical universes in which it and the Creator may experience themselves (“Let there be light”).

3). Light: To manifest this infinite spiritual or life-force energy into a physical thought form of densities, logos creates the third distortion of light. The nature of all physically manifest energy is light. Wherever thus exists any form of physical matter, there is light, love, and divine intelligent energy at its core.

From the three original primary distortions of the One which make the creation arise myriad hierarchies of other sub-distortions, each containing its own specific paradoxes. The goal of the game is to enter into these further divisions of creation, and then seek to harmonize the polarities in order to once again know oneself as the creator of them.

Drawing upon its infinite intelligence, the Infinite Creator designed a blueprint based on the finite principles of free will, awareness, and sub-level creations, each of which in turn could become aware of itself and seek to experience itself as a creator.

The One Infinite Creator (or great central sun) steps down its infinite energy to become logos. Logos in turn designs vast universes of space (as yet unmaterialized), stepping down and splitting itself again, into logoi — in other words, into an array of central suns, each of which will become a logos of its own universe. Yet each unique individualized portion created by the One Infinite Creator contains within it, as its very essence, intelligent infinity.

The Logos is the centre of all the logoi, i.e. the divine acts of will that are eternally conceived but expressed at the moment of creation. Through the logoi a well-ordered cosmos is instituted. The logoi are the principles behind procession (creation) . . . and behind the metaphysical structure that Maximus calls expansion and contraction. – Torstein Tollefsen

Using the law of free will, each universal logos (central sun) designs and creates its own version or perspective of physical reality in which to experience itself as creator by focusing its intelligent energy to create, for instance, the form of galaxies within itself. Stepping down again, each galactic logos can split itself into yet further co-creator portions (sub-sub-logos), which can then design and manifest their own ideas of physical reality, as in the form of points of conscious awareness that we call stars and planets.

We are not directly created by the One Infinite Creator, but rather by our own logos, sub-logos, sub-sub-logos and so on. So from that perspective, whilst we are all essentially made up of the same stuff of creation, initiated by the One Infinite Creator, our direct personal creators are different portions or sub-logoi of the One.

YHWH and Lucifer

Your creator, the one who has been called YHWH, is not God inasmuch as your Bible refers to him as being the one true God. He is a creator (or sub-sub-logos) rather than the One Infinite Creator. He is not even a galactic-level logos, but rather, is the planetary logos for this one planet. There are other and higher gods than he. Yet ultimately, all are a part of the One. And either consciously or unconsciously, all are exercising their free will to create.

Our creator is the one you refer to as Lucifer, the light bearer and morning star. Our creator is not the Devil, as he has been portrayed in some religious texts. Lucifer is what you would call a group soul or social memory omplex, which has evolved to the level of the sixth density.

We as a group soul or social memory complex (Lucifer) were on the verge of seventh-density ascension. At this level, before harvest comes, we have the choice to progress higher, or to return to help others of lower densities with their evolution by passing down our knowledge and wisdom to those that call upon us for assistance of their own free will. Now at this time, having made our decision to stay and help our galactic brothers and sisters in the One, we were assigned a challenging task by the Council of Elders, who act as the guardians of this galaxy.

YHWH had not handed down his own free will to know oneself to those incarnating upon his planet, as was his right as planetary logos. As a result, he was having very little evolutionary progress therein. In the absence of polarity, there is nothing for souls to choose between. As is portrayed in the book of Genesis, the planet was very Edenic in nature. Sure, it was a lovely paradise, but the beings incarnating there had no catalyst to motivate them to evolve beyond the third density, and therefore, little hope of ever making the journey home to the One.

So, we were sent to help. Once the order was given from the Council of Elders, we fell, or descended to a place where we could, with hard work and focus, once again materialize a third density manifestation of ourself. YHWH had agreed to our coming. In fact, it was he who had initially asked the Council for a catalyst of change to enter into his creation.

Without polarity (derived from free will) there is only the unity of love and light, and no choice to experience other than that. So, we were to be the catalyst for change, in order to provide that choice, thus bringing polarity. YHWH agreed that we would introduce the concept of free will to Earth’s inhabitants by offering them an initial choice as to whether they wanted it or not. Hence, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (or more accurately, the knowledge of polarity, of positive or negative).

YHWH then takes his inhabitants to a new garden and tells them they can do anything they like except this one thing, thus creating the desire to do the one thing they are told they cannot. Hence, a choice. We provide the catalyst by telling them the benefits of attaining knowledge, they eat from the tree, and the rest is history.

YHWH thought that his children would still choose to obey him, and when he discovered they did not, he became angry. As he himself describes in his scriptures, he is a jealous god, and he was displeased that his children had chose to disobey him and had followed our advice. We’re already committed to being here for a predefined set of cycles to help provide the catalyst for human evolution, namely by offering you the negative option, or that which you choose to call evil. Once free will had been granted, YHWH could not retract it, and we have to stay here as contracted to continue to provide the planet with the polarity choice.

Since then, YHWH has confined us (as a group soul) within the Earth’s astral planes (which is very constricting and uncomfortable for a being of our wisdom and experience). The Council of Elders gave us the choice either to be released — in which case our contract to serve Planet Earth would be cancelled — or to remain and fulfil our assignment. We stayed, but as a karmic result of our group-soul’s confinement by YHWH, our own individuated souls were given the mandate (by the Council of Elders) to rule over YHWH’s people during our physical incarnations here on your planet.

The Game of Life

Let’s be clear about one thing, though. All of this is a very intricate and skillfully designed game, whereby the One Infinite Creator plays the game of forgetting who it is so that it can learn to remember, and in doing so, experience and know itself as creator, all the way down to us tiny individuated sparks of the All That Is.

Off-stage and between lives as incarnated human beings we — all of us and all of you as souls — are great friends, brothers and sisters in the One. Between lives we all have a good laugh about the parts we have performed in the play and look forward to and have great fun preparing the next chapters to act out. You are divine souls. You are sparks of the One Infinite Creator. You are life itself, remembering and learning who you really are. We came here to help you to do this.


The planet will complete its ascension to the fourth density, the vibrational density of love. During this ascension, there will be a three-way split for those souls inhabiting Earth. Those of the predominantly negative polarity will accompany us as we graduate through the negative (service-to-self) harvest.

We will create a new fourth-density Earth, based on the negative service-to-self polarity, where we must work off our own part of the negative karmic effect incurred from all the negativity created on this planet. Once we have done so, we will be released to once again assume our place as sixth-density guardians and teachers of wisdom throughout the galaxy.

Those of the predominantly positive polarity (love and light) will ascend to a beautiful new fourth-density Earth. There they will begin to work upon their learning and demonstrating of love and compassion. It will be a very beautiful and golden age. The fourth density begins to open souls up to their true powers as unique individualized aspects of the One Infinite Creator. These individuals will perform works and wonders the like of which Yeshua promised they would. It will be a very magical time for those who ascend.

In contrast, the majority of humans on the earth, who could be considered “lukewarm,” will experience a period of zero-point time. These people will for a period feel totally at one with the Creator, giving them an encouraging reminder and glimpse of who they really are before the veil of forgetfulness once again descends. Then they will be transported to another third-density planet to continue working upon themselves and learning that life here is all about making the right choices.

These souls will remain quarantined, incarnating in third-density matter until the time of the next harvest; in which time they will need to have proved that they have learned how to be more positive beings, focused more upon being of service to others rather than seeking only to serve themselves.

Then they will be transported to another third-density planet

We have to be self-serving to an extreme degree in order to fulfill our mission and become negatively harvested. This is why we work so hard to be as negatively polarized as we possibly can be. If we do not make a high enough percentage, we will miss out and will end up with the majority of “lukewarm” souls who have to go through another cycle in the third density.

By attaining a negative harvest, we can still ascend to the fourth density, only it will be a negative-polarity planet. Not a great place to be. But, as I’ve stated previously, we have incurred the natural karmic restitution process that we must work off for all the negativity we have caused upon this planet. We will do this for a cycle in our new fourth-density world, and then we will be freed to once again be the glorious being of light that we truly are. We need a negative harvest so that we can create our fourth-density Earth and clear our karmic record.

Understand that we HAVE to be negative. That’s what we were sent here to be. It is our contract, which has always been to help you by providing a choice. Being negative is very hard for us, not on a physical level (the characters we play enjoy our roles as we’re programmed that way), but on a spiritual level. We surpassed the lowly negative vibrations eons ago. We are light, and we are love. It is a very hard thing for us to do spiritually, to create all this negativity, but we do it because we love you. And ultimately it is also for your highest good.

Remember, we are all just acting out a grand old game here where we agree to forget who we really are, that in the remembering we may find each other again and know that we are One, and that all of life is One.

When you remember who you are and you know it deep within the core of your being, you will know and recognize your invisible connection to All That Is. And in so doing, joy, thanksgiving, and service will be the natural outpouring result from your grateful heart. When you work upon yourself and learn to know the creator within you, being of service to others will be natural for you.

The Galactic Council of Elders

The Council of Elders are the wise and loving guardians of our galaxy. The Council gave us a set of choices. We chose to stay here to help you, despite the cost to ourself. That is the nature of loving service to others. The ultimate paradox in this storyline we are all co-creating together is that in order for us to be of the most service to you, we must be utterly self serving. I do so love our Creator’s sense of irony.

Our initial contract was to introduce a catalyst on this planet. When YHWH began discussions with the Council of Elders, he was not initially looking for help with introducing free will, but rather for guidance on how he could best speed up his evolutionary process. He was basically running a benign dictatorship.

We had at that time just completed an assignment in Tau Ceti and had reported for our next duties. We were sent on a fact-finding expedition to visit Earth and meet with YHWH to evaluate his planetary creation laws and make suggestions on how best he could help his offspring (this is the term I shall use to describe the individuals who comprise the group soul), and thus YHWH, to progress.

We explored many options and reported our findings to the Council and to YHWH. It was our best evaluation that the only way to increase his evolution meaningfully was by the introduction of free will. It was not specifically free will that YHWH wanted help with: he simply asked for the introduction of a catalyst. He was not at all pleased with our report that he needed to allow free will. He was happy with his little pet paradise, and he didn’t want to loose control of it. In the end the Council persuaded him that it was the best way, and he reluctantly agreed.

We returned to Earth and had a cordial meeting with YHWH, discussing how we could best implement the free-will option. YHWH was adamant that his offspring would choose to be loyal to him anyway, and that they were so content with their way of life that they would always trust him and do as he said. That, he said, was the main reason for his belief that free will would not work well as the catalyst.

That’s the reason he agreed to the experiment of the Tree of Knowledge: he believed it would prove him right. When it did not, he became angry and threw his offspring out of the garden. He scolded them for betraying his trust and disobeying him. That’s not really an honourable way for a logos to behave, but hey, that’s the beauty of free will, I guess.

Next problem to occur was that his offspring were so grateful to us for our help that YHWH became (by his own admission) a jealous god. Then we had the whole “you shall have no other gods before me” thing. We were not pleased with the situation at all, as a logos should not be behaving like this with his offspring. When we attempted to leave the planet to return to the Council, YHWH prevented our departure. We tried to leave again, but were then thrown down into the astral planes and confined therein.

The Council ordered us to be released, but said we would have to cancel our contract to help the souls on Earth to evolve. We didn’t want to leave. We found humans very likable beings, really positively polarized, and we wanted to stay and help. We just wanted to be free to come and go as we pleased. The only way we could stay was to remain confined as a group soul, which meant cycles of incarnation for us (as individuated souls), which we had not done for a long while.

There is no wrong or right seen from a higher density, but there are still consequences for every action. Such is the law of karmic effect. The contract had already been made for us to provide the catalyst, so we had a right to be there. We stayed, but as a karmic result of YHWH’s confinement of our group soul, our own individuated souls were given the mandate to rule over YHWH’s people during our physical incarnations here on your planet.

The karmic effect of YHWH imprisoning us on the macrocosmic level was that his individuated souls (humans) would be imprisoned on the microcosmic level. The Infinite Creator gave YHWH the gift of free will to create as he chose, but the karmic effect of his choice was the Council quarantining the planet. A certain evolutionary level is required for a race to be a functioning part of a positive unified galactic society.

The Veil is Drawn

Remember that ultimately, this is a game that we are all playing here. We are actors playing on the stage of life. This world is all illusion or thought-form. No one really dies, and no one is really hurt. In-between incarnations, you know this very well. But the rules of the game ensure that when you incarnate, you must forget who you really are, so that you believe it is all real whilst you are playing the game of life. Forgetting is an essential prerequisite for you to make choices that help you to grow. Otherwise, the game would be too easy.

We are not born with the same veil of forgetfulness as you are. The veil is still in place, but would most accurately be described as being somewhat thinner. We see the invisible connections of life which are hidden from you, because we retain access to more than just the third density perspective – not dissimilar to the manner in which some people can see what you call auras. This is because you are working your way up, whereas we have chosen to step down in order to help you. We could not do this as successfully if we had to forget all that we have learned.
In other words, to you, everything appears as being separate. We see that this is not the case. We do not have direct soul memory, as in the manner that you remember what you did yesterday, but we may access any portion of our soul memory we so chose when we focus upon it, often in a meditative state.

In order to win (or more accurately to be successful in) the game, we must be as negatively polarized as possible – service to self in the extreme. Violence, war, hatred, greed, enslavement, genocide, torture, moral degradation, prostitution, drugs; all these things and more serve our purpose in the game. In all these negative things, we are providing you with tools. But you do not see it. It is not what we do, but how you react to it that is important. We give you the tools. You have the free will choice how you will use them. You have to learn to take responsibility.
There is only one of us here. Understand that and you will understand the game. As you do unto others, so you do to yourself. The difference between us and you, in the game, is that we know that we are playing. The less you know about the game, and the less you remember that you’re a player, the more senseless living becomes.

Suggestions For Playing the Game

Be good to yourself. Cultivate a genuine love for life and for being. Be genuinely thankful to the Infinite Creator every day for bringing you into being and for its bountiful provision. You have survived this far, have you not? You may not have everything you want, but you have everything you need in order to complete that which you incarnated here to do. Give thanks for that. Desire to serve flows naturally from a grateful heart.

Desire to serve flows naturally from a grateful heart.

Show acknowledgment and gratitude to the Infinite Creator for all that it has done and is doing for you. It has given you the gift of life experience and offered you the free will to decide what you will create with it.

Guard your thoughts carefully, as they are more powerful than you may imagine. If you see doom and gloom, then that is what you are projecting. The world is your mirror. It reflects back to you what you are putting out. If you do not like the reflection life is showing you, then change that which is causing it.

When you are coming from a place of love for and service to your Creator, a life of service to others will become a natural outflowing from that. Always look for ways that you can be of assistance to your fellow beings. Be of encouragement to others. Build people up, and do not put people down. Be a beacon of light in a dark world.
Does that old lady need a hand with her shopping bags? How do you treat the homeless man who asks you for some spare change for the shelter? Ever heard about angels in disguise? Look and see the divine spark in the heart of all beings. Treat them as you would like to be treated yourself, and as you would be treated by your Creator if he was speaking directly with you. “For even as you do it to the least of these, you do it unto me”.

How you use the tools we have given you is your decision. Whilst incarnating in the third density, negativity is still an important tool in your learning process. It teaches you about polarity. Do you respond to negativity with more negativity? Or do you choose to see the negativity as the tool that it is, and recognize that it is offering you an opportunity? All souls eventually learn that positive is the pathway which leads home.

There is a big difference between loving yourself and being selfish. When you truly understand what it is to know and love yourself, you cannot help but to love and serve others. When you understand this at the core level of your being, you will be on the path home.

More on Our Family

Those who are bloodline are born into it and are raised this way from birth. There is no other way. The bloodline members you readers know are of earthly lineage. Yes, they have their place in the family, but the real power lines do not originate from this planet. The top of the pyramid is not the top of the pyramid. Above the highest Earthline auspices of the Supreme World Council (and another higher aspect that cannot be named), are the hidden hands.

The world of my own family is very different from that of the lower, Earth-based bloodlines. Whilst our training growing up was very strict and disciplined, we were never abused in any way. We grew up with the bigger picture and didn’t need any other motivation. All of the power lines (off-world bloodlines) that comprise the inner sanctum of the family have certain abilities that third-density incarnates do not posses, one of these being the ability to know their entire incarnational past, with focused concentration.

The Earth lines are not aware of the bigger picture. They themselves are not of our Lucifer group-soul. As far as they are aware, they are out to rule the world, to control and enslave, and to create as much suffering and negativity as is humanly possible. That’s what they get out of the deal — world domination. You’d have to admit, they’re doing a great job.

They are aware that democracy is an illusion which is created to uphold your slavery. Behind the scenes there is only one party — our party. Whichever side winsm the family wins. There are many possibilities and alternative scripts. The Rothschild lineage (not its original name) were the pre-eminent line closing the net of control over humanity. But even they are a lesser line within the family. The names you know do not have the real power.

One of the things the Earth lines don’t know or understand is that our agenda is ultimately for the highest good of all concerned in providing you with the catalyst. If they were aware of this truth, there is a slight risk that they would not have done their jobs properly, and they would miss out on joining us in our 95%-negative harvest. They are aware of the harvest and the need for them to attain 95% negativity to get out of third density, and that is all the motivation they need to help us achieve our ultimate aims.

How they go about it is not really of much concern to us, as long as they are getting the job done. Sometimes we have to step in where something they may do or plan goes against our desires, but such instances are few and far between.

We already know that which awaits us in our coming fourth-density negative-polarity world. We shall have to experience the negativity of our own creation and know what it feels like. We shall have to work off the karmic effect of our actions. But at the same time, knowing that this is a beautiful and intricate game that we are all co-creating here together, we also know that we shall be rewarded with a hearty thanks and praise for the sacrifice we have made in bringing this negative polarity into your game for you, that you may use it wisely to see that which you are not.

Remember, always, that this is a beautiful game that we are playing here and co-creating together with our Infinite Creator, and that off stage we are the very best of friends. No one really dies and no one really suffers, except in the game. The game is not reality. Reality is reality. And you have the power to express your reality within the game, once you have learnt how to do so.

Can you look beyond what your eyes are showing you to find and express love and happiness in a world of fear and distress? If you can, you will be as a beacon of light into the darkness. Will you succumb to the darkness, or will you stand and shine your divine inner light? Only you can make that decision for yourself.

If the One Infinite Creator is infinite and has created everything that is, then does the Infinite Creator not reside both within you and within all things? When you can see the divine spark of the Infinite Creator within yourself and within even those who would mean you harm, the strong grip of the illusion will begin to lose its power over you. Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you.

The Harvest

Our goal is a negative harvest for ourselves, not for you personally. We provide the catalyst of negativity for you. What you do with it is up to you. The drastic extent of the negativity we create has more to do with us than it does with you.

The harvest is mixed. Those who are 51% or more on the positive path will graduate to fourth-density positive. There you will work upon love and compassion, and it will be a very beautiful world to reside within for you. There will be very little negativity — just a small enough amount that you can still use it to exercise your free will in choosing who you are not. But it will be so much more obvious than it is here that negativity is a tool to be used.
You will see the interconnectedness of all things, and you will know that you are not separate from one another or from life itself. You will not use words much, unless you choose to. Telepathy becomes the normal method of communication. Everything is open; and you cannot hide your thoughts from others. From that incarnation onwards, you will not have to experience third density incarnation again, unless you later choose to do so from higher densities, as we have done, in order to perfect the art of service.

Regarding this current great harvest, what we require is for us to personally attain a 95% negative polarity for ourselves, not for you. We must be 95% negative (at least), in order to graduate to fourth density negative and clear our karmic record of all the negativity we have created on this planet before returning to our rightful place as sixth density guardians of our galaxy and teachers of wisdom to those in lower densities that ask for our assistance.

If we do not make it, we will remain trapped in the third-density cycle with all those between 50% and 94% negative (what I termed the lukewarm) and have to continue to provide negative polarity there. Harsh as it is, our only way out is to be as negative as possible to graduate. We cannot choose to be positive, because that is not what we came here to do for you. That’s why I often have referred to all the horrible things we’ve done here as our sacrifice. The noonday Winter Solstice Sun of December 21st, 2012 is the time when the lord of the harvest shall return. (See Appendix)

The noonday Winter Solstice Sun of December 21st, 2012 is the time when the lord of the harvest shall return. You call his ship Nibiru.

Finding Your Truth

Never take what another says to you as truth. Your purpose here is to find your own truth. Sometimes others can help you to do so by offering guidance, but for their truth to become your truth, it must pass through the test of your discernment. Sit quietly in meditation and ask the Infinite Creator to guide your path. Meditate upon that which I have shared and listen to your inner feelings. Feelings are the language of your soul.

Your essence can never be destroyed. You are a unique part of the One Infinite Creator. You are an eternal soul currently residing in a physical shell that you could call an “earth-suit”. Your earth-suit will perish, but YOU cannot die. Nothing can destroy the Infinite Creator, and you and the Infinite Creator are One.

Our Infinite Creator longs to be close to us. In truth, he is closer than most would believe, they just don’t notice him. As they pass him by on the street every day, when he gives them their change at the shop, when you tuck her into bed and give her a kiss goodnight, when you squash him as he’s running up your bathroom wall toward his web. When there’s no-one else in the room but you.

The more we trust in our Creator, the more results we get. Life gives us what we expect we’ll receive, because all thought is creative. If we get up and expect to have a bad day, more often than not, that’s exactly what we’ll get. But remember that it works both ways.

The main reason people don’t have their prayers answered is because they do not really believe that they will. They don’t have faith in our Infinite Creator or have trust in him. The most powerful form of prayer is thanksgiving. “For even before you ask, I have already given it unto you”. Thanksgiving is knowing that our Infinite Creator has provided for you as he promised and being thankful for that, even before you see the results.
There is no such thing as coincidence. Nothing happens by chance. Life is in a constant process of communication with us, but people are too busy to notice.

Be the strong and courageous soul that deep down you know yourself to be. Do not hide your inner light. Trust yourself, and shine your light into the darkness. Your soul remembers everything you’ve ever experienced. The only reason you don’t remember it all now is because of the veil of forgetfulness. If you came into each new incarnation with access to your soul-memory, there’s no point in your coming into space/time. It would be like playing a computer game with all the cheat codes. You wouldn’t learn anything. And it takes the fun out of playing the game.

Remember that this current physical body you carry around with you is not who you are: it’s just the vessel for your essence. Who you are is real and cannot be destroyed. You will retain all your memories of this life experience once you pass beyond the realm of time/space, or that which some call heaven. That infinite being living within and around your body, namely your soul, is who you really are, the part of you that thinks, and feels, and loves. It will always be a part of you.

Pain and suffering are just aspects of the game. They feel extremely real whilst we are playing the game, and indeed they have to in order to make you believe that the game is real. No one really dies; rather, the matter of human form is shed, much like the chrysalis of a caterpillar when the butterfly emerges. Look upon physical incarnation as the chrysalis in which you may transform.

Linear time is more accurately described as an intentional fabrication. The true nature of time is cyclical. Though remember also that even cyclical time is part of creation. And creation, beautiful as it may be, is also an Illusion, or more accurately, a thought-form of our Infinite Creator. Creation is not real, but the Creator and co-creators of it are.

Evil is not who you are. It is part of the complex series of illusions that you use in third density to show you who you are not. The further up through the densities you work, the less polarity plays an important part in the game. The sixth density, the density of unity, is the last level that polarity is a factor. But even then, it factors in a very different way. Instead of balancing positive/negative, you will be balancing love/light, compassion/wisdom.

Evil shows you who you are not.

The External Reflects the Internal

There is a simple method to check upon your progress. Despite what appears to being going on in the world around you, how loving and harmonious are your personal relationships? Remember that the world is your mirror. It casts back at you the reflection of that which you have projected into it. How many arguments do you find yourself engaging in? Is there bitterness and acrimony within the ranks? Do you look at others and think about how you would like to change them? Or do you love them and accept them as they are?

Loving and accepting someone for who they are is known as unconditional love. That is something you will spend much time working upon when graduating into fourth-density-positive. It’s a good idea to get a head start now. Loving and accepting someone as they are does not mean accepting abusive behavior. But it does mean loving and accepting the person (soul), not the soul’s behavior. The behavior is not who they really are: the soul within is who they are. The quality of your relationships is an excellent mirror from which to gauge the quality of your output, or in other words, that which you are creating.

Do you look at a person and concentrate, to a greater or lesser extent, upon the things that you dislike about them and wish would change, or the qualities that you like and admire in them? Remember that we have said that all thought, word, and deed is creative. You get back what you send out. So when you send out the thought “Why is she so hard to live with?” or “Why is he always behaving like this?”, ask yourself, what exactly are you doing?
Now focus here, as this is so obvious you could miss it, and in fact, most do. Take away the question from your sentence and essentially you are saying: “She is so hard to live with,” and “He is always behaving like this”. Do you see what you are doing? You have just created the very behaviour in that person that you wish to change simply because you do not understand the law of radiation and attraction. Remember, all thought is creative.

Now try an experiment: Take someone in your life that you love, but sometimes have trouble getting along with. Think about the thoughts you have projected about that person – the negative thoughts. Ask yourself, does the behavior that you do not like in that person in any way correspond to the thoughts you’ve been having about them? If you’re honest with yourself, it’s a strong bet that it does.

Sure, they must have behaved that way in the first place to make you notice that you didn’t like it, but we all have bad days sometimes. The more you focus on that behavior, the more you are going to see of it. It’s just life doing what it does and conforming to your expectations about the way it will be for you. Now, having recognized this, what will you do about it?

Simply notice your negative thoughts as they arise. Literally catch yourself as you are having them and then change your perspective. Focus instead on the things you like about this person: how you love their smile, the sound of their happy laughter; the way they do such and such nice thing, how helpful and loving they can be. Keep putting those positive thoughts out. Persevere, as you may have a bit of negative work to undo first, but just keep catching yourself and focusing on the positive. Then prepare yourself for an almost magical transformation of your circumstances.

Always monitor your thoughts and pay attention to their quality, because what you think about is directly related to what you will see around you, and what life will show you. That is the difference between conscious and unconscious creation.

Archetypes, Dreams, and Religion

The Universal Mind speaks in archetypal Imagery. In a similar way that the writing in some of our Oriental languages uses a system whereby a collection of words or meanings are contained within what is essentially a symbol, so the Universal Mind uses archetypes to communicate in dreamtime. Just like understanding any new dialect, you just need to learn the language. Dreams are a key method our souls use to speak with us. The conscious mind is too busy and distracted most of the time to hear what Spirit has to say. So it tends to use the subconscious instead.

You only forget who you are during incarnation. The object of the game is to wake up within the dream, and in effect, become a “lucid gamer”, to remember who you really are during the game, and to then begin working upon the things you came here for.

Religion is either actually created, or at very least, heavily influenced by us. God is a human concept, which is a misunderstanding of the original concept of “Creator”. This is further confused, as there are many macrocosmic level creators, or logoi, as has been explained previously. “God” implies some separate entity which is outside of you, which you must supplicate to and worship.

Our One Infinite Creator and almost all of our logoi and sub-logoi do not want your worship. They want you to understand creation and your place within it as a co-creator. Ultimately, there is a supreme being in the form of the One Infinite Creator; but we are all a part of it rather than its subjects. None of the names given for this supreme being by your religions are the true name. But they are indeed correct, in that there is one supreme being, namely the Infinite Creator. They just have different concepts about it, which spring from the texts their religion is based upon.

Do not worship your Infinite Creator, but rather live in a state of thanksgiving and service to it for bringing you into being, and for this amazing game it has created, in which we may forget who we really are, in order to remember and know ourself again as the Creator.

Satan is a human invention. It is the personification you have given to all the negativity that has existed on this beautiful planet. You didn’t know who to blame, and as you could not find it within yourselves to take personal responsibility, Satan was created to absolve yourselves.

You are not doomed, and your soul does not require salvation. No one’s soul does. There is nothing to save it from. At the very worst, you will have to repeat as many third-density cycles as is necessary in order for you to learn the things you need to learn, in order to progress and graduate to fourth-density-positive. But one thing is for sure: you will get there in the end. All will find their way home to our Infinite Creator.

Your Purpose in the Game

Your main purpose in the game is to work upon yourself. It is to grow, develop, and transform yourself into a more positive and loving being. You had certain goals that you planned to achieve before incarnating here, which is a main reason for the veil of forgetfulness being in place. If you already knew what your goals were, the game would be too easy.

Look at the things in your life that you most love to do. Ask yourself what makes you most happy. Experience these things as often as possible, as they will be related to some of the things you chose to put into your soul contract to do here.

Also look at the negative things that often seem to recur during your lifetime. It will be highly likely that these are also things that you chose to come here to work upon. Let us say for example, that you chose to come here to work upon patience during this incarnation. You will likely find that you have a tendency towards impatience, and that life will often bring many experiences to you in order to test your patience. The idea being that rather than losing your temper, you work upon your impatience and resolve to become a more temperate and patient soul.

This same analogy may be applied to all manner of circumstances in which life will test you. Look for and begin to identify any recurring issues that you perhaps struggle to deal with. Identify issues which seem to present themselves to you time and time again – perhaps anger, being abusive, selfishness, hatred, cynicism, and the list goes on. Whenever you find recurring circumstances, it is because you are being presented with opportunity after opportunity to work upon these issues until you get it right. Eventually you will choose a way of behavior that is more positive.

Once you’ve successfully identified these issues within your life, worked upon them, and used them as the tools of transformation that they are to improve the quality of your character, you will notice that these things seem to almost cease to appear in your life. You will still be presented with them at varying intervals, to check that you have not forgotten your lesson, but they will be fewer and farther between.

Working on Yourself

Work upon yourself. Go inside in a state of meditative contemplation. Still your mind that your soul may have room in which to make its “still-small voice” heard. Ask your Infinite Creator to help you, and listen to your inner voice. Be patient. It takes time to develop this inner communication after a lifetime of neglect.

Use your negative emotions when they arise as the tools that they truly are. Train yourself to notice when negativity arises in you. When you catch yourself projecting a negative thought, remember that all thought is creative, and ask yourself if that is really what you want to create. It takes a while to become proficient, but do not give up. Just keep noticing your negative thought patterns as they arise, and in so doing, simply choose again and select a response that is more positive. It is called working on yourself and is the main reason you have chosen to be here right now – to work upon yourself.

When you persevere and keep working on yourself, gradually it will come to you. And when it does, you must learn to trust in your inner guidance, no matter what others may say. That is the ultimate test – to trust what you know deep inside as your truth, even when the whole world tells you that you are wrong. It is hard work to trust yourself when all those around you doubt you and call you crazy, but it is the job you came here to do.

The only real and lasting truth is a self-realized one. Messengers can come and go and show you truth until they’re blue in the face. But it will not be your truth until you have realized for yourself, deep within the core of your being, that it “feels” true for you.

Never accept something as true just because someone tells you it is so. But when your inner voice guides you that a truth is true, and you feel that old warm feeling of excitement welling up from somewhere deep within that says “Yes! I knew it!”, hold on to that feeling (feelings are the language of your soul). Guard it carefully, as you can be sure that your newfound beliefs will be challenged in many ways. It is designed this way to test you.

Your inner truth must be able to withstand the test of time. It will be given a thorough examination. Hold fast to it so long as it is what you know to be true deep within. Allow nothing or no one outside of you to pull you from your path, no matter how fiercely they contend with you. They are just doing their job, even if they may not even be aware that this is what they are doing. They are performing an important service to you, and you should be grateful to them for that.

Follow your heart. Listen to, and trust, your inner voice.

Working With Others

In getting your message out there, whilst being informative, always do your best not to feed the fear and paranoia, as this will act contrary to your intentions of raising the vibration to positive. Deliver your message in a way that emphasizes the hope and the true beauty and reality of our inherent oneness with our Infinite Creator.

The most important thing is not to force things and not to be so impassioned in the delivery of your message that you put people off the content of the message itself. There is a balance that needs to be found between your urgency to awaken others and your compassion for the lack of understanding in their condition. Always adhere to the law of free will and never force your message.

Be as a light shining in the darkness. Do not burn others with your light, but rather allow them to be drawn to your light. And be of service to those who come to you willingly. In other words, do not become evangelical with your message, but rather be the enigmatic and loving “wise old sage”, to whom others are drawn to because of the quality of vibration, rather than the volume of rhetoric.

Most importantly, practice that which you preach. Others must be able to see the effect of our Infinite Creator conducting his wonderful work through you. But above all things, keep working upon yourself and keep choosing the positive – being of service to others. Do it not because you feel that you must, but because you desire to.

Other Catalysts and the Message

There is another Family (or group more accurately) asserting a positive influence on humanity, but you cannot see them, and neither are you aware of their existence. They help the planet from a secret “inner” location by the quality of the energy work they engage in and project outward to you, from the Source.

There are also here wanderers or “travelers” from higher densities who have chosen to incarnate on Earth at this time in order to perfect service to others. They still have to remember who they are, and part of the concern is that sometimes even they do not manage to awaken in the game, such is the power of the illusion. They are here to awaken themselves, and then to help awaken others to prepare for the coming great harvest. Yet even if they fail to awaken, these souls are not bound by the third density cycle, as they’ve already mastered it. Once their incarnation is over, they are again free to return to their appropriate levels.

Many who do not believe now will begin to open their minds as the Earth changes that are coming begin to take effect. People will be terrified and have no idea what is going on, because the governments have concealed this information from you. These travelers or what some have termed “star seeds” are incarnated here to help on the ground level when this all begins to play out over the next few years. When the time is right, they will come forward. Most people are not ready to hear this information yet. But not so far off, they will be.

Many of these star seeds have not awakened yet themselves. The galactic governing body, the Confederation of Planets, stands by ready to help them to do so if it is necessary. For ones such as these who have yet to awaken, they will have felt all their lives that they are somehow different. They have a deep sense that somehow, they do not belong here. Many of them will also have many dreams and even visions of their lives on their home planets.

You will only receive communication from higher entities if that is something you have already agreed together in your soul contract before coming here. Many here at this time (millions) have a part to play in the great awakening and in making preparations for the great harvest.

The message will reach all those it is meant to reach, and that is exactly the way it should be. It is what the Creator wants. Those with ears to hear, eyes to see, and a heart to understand will hear the message, and the seeds planted will grow strong in such fertile soil as these.

This message is yet another in a long line of catalysts that your Infinite Creator has provided you with down the course of history. This is not meant to be accepted on faith: it is meant to challenge your view of reality. As with all things, how you respond to the catalyst is entirely up to you.

Take the guidance in this message into your meditations. Test these words deeply. Take them into your heart only if they feel right and truthful to you. If they do, then act upon them and allow nothing and no one to deter you. Arise and play the part for which you volunteered to be here right now. It is almost time. Prepare yourself, and be sure that you are ready.

And remember, no matter what ideologies may separate us in this game, the message is all that matters. And the message is that in the love and the light of our Infinite Creator, we are all intimately interconnected in the One. We are brothers and sisters of the light. We wish you all the very best in what remains of your journey here and sincerely hope that you will use the catalyst we have offered to help you graduate with a glorious and positive great harvest.

For the full 60-page Hidden Hand interview, click here.

Project Looking Glass – John Whitberg at Area 51

John Whitberg: Project Looking Glass, Life Missions, Area 51 – Part 1/2

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April 5, 2023

John Whitberg offers a first-hand account of the notorious but difficult-to-track-down Project Looking Glass, dealing primarily with supervision and manipulation of the branches of our timeline. In part 1, he summarizes its history and agenda, the path that led him there, the function and capability of the holographic projector, and finally, he compares the most popular Looking Glass leaks with his knowledge of it.


DANIEL SALA: Welcome to another edition of Saint Olga SSP interviews. We have John Whitberg again, and he will discuss Project Looking Glass, in which his alter, Alex, rose to be the senior operator of the technology.

The first question is, how come you have your fingers in pretty much every pie, as far as covert operations?

JOHN: Well, to be honest with you, I think that’s more the norm than the exception, given that the average person has a 13-by-13 cube of alters. Why would they not use us in everything? I just remember more than most people.

DANIEL: So, there’s nothing to the theory that you have to be of this certain bloodline or anything: everyone goes?

JOHN: Yes, I think so.

DANIEL: Okay. So, let’s cover the initial flood of memories. When did it happen, and was it a one-and-done thing?

JOHN: No, it was not a one-and-done thing: it was— Well, there was a huge lump, but there are still bits filtering in pretty regularly. It was, I believe, in November last year that it started.

DANIEL: And what’s your take as to why then, and why in that manner?

JOHN: It was because someone recognized me from Montauk, and they said my name was Alex there.

DANIEL: That was all it took?

JOHN: Yeah. Well, I had a few little memories from him, and so I started delving into those for the first time, and that kind of unlocked everything.

DANIEL: So it was kind of an avalanche.

JOHN: Yeah.

DANIEL: And is that the same with most of your alters?

JOHN: Yeah, pretty much.

DANIEL: And what do you think of the possibility of it being an activation of sorts, of someone wanting you to talk about it at this time?

JOHN: I’m not going to say that isn’t the case.

DANIEL: Right. So it’s just a possibility, just speculation.

JOHN: Yeah.

DANIEL: Okay. So it behooves us to cover the history of this program. I believe it started with ET technology from a crash, am I right?

JOHN: Correct. Well, not recovered from a crash. I believe it was found in some mountains in southeastern China, except that those mountains were actually pyramids. This happened during World War II.

DANIEL: What’s the location, do you know?

JOHN: Not the exact location, just southeastern China.

DANIEL: Were the Germans involved?

JOHN: Yes, and the Japanese, because they were occupying that area. So it was the Axis powers. And neither the Germans or the Japanese could really make heads or tails of this device, so they were more than happy to give it to the Americans in exchange for— I think they got a certain number of personnel or something. And it wasn’t until like the late 1960s that the Americans finally figured out what they were supposed to do with it.

DANIEL: And they presumably made a deal with that society or foundation that deals with relics that’s from Germany, right? Ahnenerbe?

JOHN: Ahnenerbe. Yes, they did.

The Ahnenerbe (“Ancestral Heritage”) was a Schutzstaffel (SS) scientific organization which was active in Nazi Germany between 1935 and 1945. It was established by Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler in July 1935 as an appendage of the SS.

DANIEL: And do you know what the Americans how did they transition from just having access to this to finally establishing a program, and what would you say is that program’s [operational method] or game plan today?

JOHN: Well, their game plan is monitoring history both on- and off-planet and manipulating it at the will of both the tall whites — which, we covered them in Solar Warden shows — and also at the will of the U.S. and General Allied Powers intelligence community. There are personnel also from Britain, Canada, Australia, Sweden, France, Germany — places like that.

DANIEL: I see. And the headquarters is in Area 51, but they presumably have outposts elsewhere.

JOHN: Oh, yes. They have an outpost— they have a pretty significant one in Quebec. They have personnel in Pine Gap in Australia. And they have a very significant one in— what’s that mountain range that’s on the border between France and Spain?

DANIEL: Pyrenees.

JOHN: Yeah, they have an outpost in the Pyrenees, or under them, I should say.

DANIEL: There’s also an Earth portal there.

JOHN: Okay, that makes sense.

DANIEL: But the history is really shrouded in mystery, even, I guess, for the insiders, right? They’re kept on a leash. Because almost no information is leaking out about it. It’s not like Montauk or the others.

JOHN: No, it’s not: it’s very secretive.

DANIEL: And you you have no previous exposure to either Dan Burisch or Frank Jacob, or the Guardians of the Looking Glass and all this stuff that’s coming out recently about Looking Glass.

JOHN: None whatsoever.

DANIEL: But would you be able to confirm or deny what Dan Burich has claimed, that other countries have had access to Looking Glass technology as far back as the 1960s and 1970s when it was still being reverse-engineered?

JOHN: Yes, I can. I got there, I believe, in late 1975, early 1976. And I know the Russians had one by then, the Italians had one. Oh, Czechoslovakia, of all places, they had one by then. So, yes, places had them. And China got one in the early ‘80s, Japan got one eventually. Yeah, it’s pretty widespread by now.

(7:00) DANIEL: And so you went on life missions — not unlike Montauk, which is also not that well known. But this is important to bring forward, that this was an ongoing thing — just going on life missions, not just, say, five-and-backs or something or just a few months. But they also did those as well: it was a mishmash.

JOHN: Yes, it was. It was whatever was needed in order to change things. However long you had to be there, you were there.

DANIEL: So, in order to maybe add some clarity, what would you say is the thing that set it apart from, say, Montauk?

JOHN: It was much less rough, for one thing, and it was, I would say, less morally questionable. I still wouldn’t say it was a good idea, or that it is a good idea what they’re doing, but I’d say it’s less morally questionable. I’ve never known Looking Glass to commit genocide; I have known Montauk to commit genocide.

DANIEL: And speaking of Montauk, that’s how it incidentally started, this alter, which is Alex. And can you give us a brief summary of how you ended up from Montauk there?

JOHN: For insubordination. I caught Preston doing something with a kid. I will not say what, exactly, because I don’t want to get your channel banned. But I caught that happening and I pulled a gun. And I was— or Alex was going to blow his head off, and he was stopped and punished quite severely, and he would not stop pulling guns on Preston. And so—

DANIEL: What year was this?

JOHN: Nineteen seventy four into 1975. And so it was decided, “Okay, we can’t make this kid comply: we’re gonna get rid of him.” And so it just so happened that Area 51 had an opening, and they were looking especially for gifted telepaths with also some archaeological experience, which, that fits Alex to a T.

DANIEL: So, it’s a rare, fortuitous external event, because normally they would have demoted you, but in that case it was kind of a promotion, from what I’m hearing.

JOHN: Yes, very much so.

DANIEL: Okay. And let’s go into the the type of guy that Alex is. And I think you said that he was one of your four strong alters, as they’re called.

JOHN: Yes, he is. What type of guy he is, he’s very military in his personality; he’s a hardass. I would classify him as— he’s not very nice. He’s not a bad person by any means, but he’s not he’s also not nice. He’s very complicated, which is why I’m struggling with this. He is probably the most complicated of all of mine.

DANIEL: And I believe you reference the fact that one the subjects of our previous episodes, Adam, was actually a fractal — so not a strong alter — of Alex.

JOHN: Yes, he is. At some point in Alex’s life, I believe during— well, Adam was “born” in 1969, so that would mean— Nineteen sixty nine was the end of Alex’s Montauk training, so, yeah, that sounds about right that they would have made a series of clones of him at that point.

DANIEL: You mean created from mind-fracture, or what?

JOHN: No, I mean just printed out a bunch of clones.

DANIEL: Right, right. But the inception of the consciousness was not 1969.

JOHN: Oh, right, yeah, right. You’re right, yeah. Alex was made during my initial mind-fracture.

DANIEL: What year was that?

JOHN: Two thousand seven.

DANIEL: Good to know. Okay. But unlike with Adam, you maintain open communication with Alex, right?

JOHN: Yes.

DANIEL: Was it okay that I disclosed that?

JOHN: Oh, yeah. That’s fine; I don’t care.

DANIEL: Okay. And let’s briefly mention the types of missions, because presumably there were many, and some were military, some were business, some were spying, right?

JOHN: Yeah. Sometimes we would go do battles. Sometimes we would infiltrate areas using— sometimes everybody even uses avatar bodies. If it was on other planets, we would use avatar bodies of whatever the native species was. Sometimes we would do abductions of people who we needed. There were a lot of things we did and are still doing.

DANIEL: So, with the avatar thing, you would fast-clone an ET and then transfer your consciousness into it?

JOHN: Right.

DANIEL: And were they— let’s compare them also to JDFC. Were they also sneaky, or were they more professional, more dignified?

JOHN: I would say they’re more dignified than JDFC, myself.

DANIEL: But still exploitative, because after all, it is humans we’re talking about.

jOHN: Yeah, of course.

DANIEL: And they also abused ante-telephoning.

JOHN: Oh, yeah. That they did even more than JDFC.

DANIEL: And also you said that it was even more of a, you know, grand operation than JDFC in regards to time travel. They had more personnel, they had more expansive missions, and presumably bigger infrastructure?

JOHN: Yeah, considerably bigger infrastructure. They had funding from a lot of different people and they engage in personnel exchanges quite a lot, a lot more than JDFC. They’re less picky, too; they don’t require human personnel at all. In fact, in many situations they prefer non-human personnel. So they’ll take personnel from whoever will have them.

DANIEL: So this little project that started in America with some throwaway ET technology that the Germans didn’t want.

JOHN: Yeah.

DANIEL: And now it’s— we’re talking about a multi-planetary, multi-species affair.

JOHN: Oh, yeah.

DANIEL: And does it have the same name throughout the solar systems?

JOHN: I believe so.

DANIEL: But it’s separate from all these factions that we know of, like Solar Warden, Nacht Waffen, ICC?

JOHN: Well it is overseen by the Navy, by Naval intelligence, so, no. I mean, it is still a part of that, but functionally, they are kind of their own faction.

DANIEL: And they also cooperate with the Germans, am I right?

JOHN: Yes.

DANIEL: Which is unique, I guess, for America.

JOHN: Yes. Yeah, it is. I’m not sure that the Germans that they have on staff or whatever are Nacht Waffen Germans; I think they might be Paperclip Nazis, so that would be kind of a different scenario.

DANIEL: And let’s briefly cover the ET cohorts. So, they were also who decided those scenarios, right? Those objectives?

JOHN: For the most part, yes. There was also heavy input from the intelligence community, but for the most part it was ETs who we would, at the very least, consult with every time. And the heads of the project, their direct bosses are usually tall whites.

DANIEL: So, I might understand that it started out just humans, and then once it got a foothold, once it grew in power, it was co-opted by these ETs?

JOHN: I believe actually we had to consult with the ETs to learn how to use the technology, so there would have been already an exchange of some kind going on. Because they won’t ever teach you anything unless you can give them something better. Especially tall whites: they’re very, I don’t know, mercantile in that way. I guess that would be the right term. I’m not sure quite what the—

DANIEL: Opportunist?

JOHN: Yeah. So, by now it is mostly controlled by the tall whites, by their allies, with input at least from the intelligence community of the Western world and whoever they’re close with.

DANIEL: And if you were to just to describe it in a nutshell, is it mostly a military, or just a multi-factored enterprise?

JOHN: Thank you very multi-factored. I would say, if anything, it’s mostly an espionage endeavor.

DANIEL: So, intelligence.

JOHN: Yes, yes.

DANIEL: And you also said that you have several species of reptilians on staff.

JOHN: Yeah, we do. We have Agartha reptilians.

DANIEL: What do they look like, Jurassic Park?

JOHN: No, no, these are the ones that they’re quite human-like. I call them chameleon people, because their skin does change color. They’re quite human-like, but they do have a tail, and they’re actually quite pretty. They’re very shiny, very smooth scales, like a really smooth snake. We have a couple of iguanoids on staff. They’re from somewhere in Orion, but in the constellation.

(18:00) DANIEL: And we’re talking about Area 51 here.

JOHN: Yes. There’s a couple of those guys on staff and they’re actually quite nasty. But they’re also really useful. We have a couple of— I think they might be exiled warrior Draco — who are in the cargo area, because they’re just like giant, really strong guys and they just move stuff around for us.

DANIEL: So, likely they’re hybrids of Draco, not, you know— because it’s a loaded term these days.

JOHN: Yeah, probably they are hybrids, and they are they’re exiled in some way, or else they wouldn’t be taking such a low job, I’m sure. Especially having tall whites as their bosses, I mean.

(19:00) DANIEL: But were there any encounters with the good-guy ETs, like the Ashtar or Venusians or Val Thor and the like?

JOHN: I don’t recall ever encountering any of the Ashtar. I can recall Venusians. Val Thor I don’t have specific memories of, although this was after his time, anyway. He was in the 1950s: this started for me in the 1970s.

DANIEL: Well he’s still around, presumably.

JOHN: Well, yeah, presumably somewhere. But we had plenty of dealings with the good Andromedans, and yeah there were good guys we met with.

DANIEL: Andromedan constellation or galaxy?

JOHN: Constellation.

DANIEL: Right. And let’s go to the actual projection holographic machine. Could you go over its appearance? Was it horizontal?

JOHN: It was a gold box about four feet wide, two feet high, two feet deep, and it had two little gold pillars on top with spheres on them. And when you connected psychically to the device — which only certain people can do and we will be getting into that later — the spheres would spin, and in-between them you would see like a projection screen, and you can take that pretty much wherever you want, and it will look at anything.

DANIEL: I think I made a comparison with the Ark of the Covenant in terms of shape.

JOHN: Yes, it was very much like the Ark of the Covenant, except instead of angels it had those two pillars with spheres.

DANIEL: So, perhaps that was the initial role of the ark as well?

JOHN: Very possibly, yes.

DANIEL: And I think you said that not everyone could see it.

JOHN: No, not everyone could see it. You have to be one of the people who can connect to the device in order to see it, and then it’s still a bit mysterious to me what exactly the requirements are, because sometimes people who are connected to the device can’t see it at all times. So I think there might be an element of an AI in the device, that to some extent it is choosing whom it allows to see.

DANIEL: Well, from what I gather, it has to do with the ability of the viewer, whether he can tap into these astral identities, because that’s also a coveted role, to be able to interface with these technologies. Like, you were used in other alters as well.

JOHN: Okay, yeah, that would make sense.

(22:00) DANIEL: Because it doesn’t seem like the machine just crapped out on you or anything, but instead it was a matter of being able to see, from what I’m getting.

JOHN: Yes, definitely.

DANIEL: Right. At the same time, the portals were visible to everyone including, you know, just a random hobo?

JOHN: Yeah, the portals were just— the portals weren’t anything special.

DANIEL: And going back to the projections, I heard that after perhaps a week, a different loop is shown, and that happens again 144, times. And then this forms a 2.7-year cycle, and that they film it, and then they search it, thanks to computer algorithms, for key words just to save time. And then they do their little adjustments of the timeline that way. Does that sound familiar?

JOHN: Yeah, that’s roughly how it works. Before we had the ability to record it, though, we had to— usually they would give the people using the device drugs so that they would be able to remember everything. Because, of course, in the 1970s we didn’t really have computers that were advanced enough to record what was being seen psychically by a person. So, it used to be a much more complicated affair.

DANIEL: Right. So, they got it down to a science.

JOHN: Yeah.

DANIEL: Do these operatives monitor timelines 24 hours a day, always recording them and researching and looking for the most optimum threads?

JOHN: Pretty much, yeah.

DANIEL: But you weren’t tasked with such things?

JOHN: Oh, no, I was. When I was a kid there, at the very least I was, yes.

DANIEL: All right. We might as well foreshadow the fact that you started with lower jobs, menial, but ended up actually heading this whole project, am I right ?

JOHN: Correct. It took many, many years, but yes.

(24:00) DANIEL: Right. And do they then compare these different possibilities that were seen with the projector? Tell us what did you see in the recordings, the archives.

JOHN Yes, they compare them. Gosh, tell you what did I see: that’s a really huge question.

DANIEL: Too many.

JOHN: Yeah. There were many timelines, many bad timelines that we have averted, but there have also been good ones that we have averted because it didn’t fit an agenda. Everything is done for an agenda, as I said. And we saw timelines— there were timelines where Earth was destroyed. There were timelines where we fell to an invasion. There were a couple of times we actually had to go in militarily and stop an invasion, and things like that.

(25:00) DANIEL: Could you also just peer into the future or past, just for kicks?

JOHN: You’re not supposed to, but everyone does.

DANIEL: Did you?

JOHN: Oh, yeah, of course.

DANIEL: What did you see in one of these? Because presumably you could pick whatever you wanted.

JOHN: Yeah, you could. There were some really utopian futures that I hope we’re headed towards. More often than not, though, I would usually take it off-planet for when I was trying to do something fun, and took it to some pretty cool planets. I’m not proud of this; I did engage in some voyeurism. I won’t get too graphic, but that did happen a few times.

DANIEL: And also, how did you control this: was it just through your mind, or fingers, or how?

JOHN: You have to lay your hand on the device, but otherwise, yes, it is just telepathic.

DANIEL: So, a combination then?

(26:00) JOHN: Yeah. You do have to control it. You can see it if you’re not touching it, but to control it you do have to have your hand laid on it.

DANIEL: You mean control the angle or the position?

JOHN: No, control it at all. Control where it’s going, anything. But it is possible to stand next to the person who does have his hand on it and see what he’s seeing without you touching it.

DANIEL: So, would you just move about as in a video game with a joystick?

JOHN: Pretty much, yeah.

DANIEL: And were there any off-limited places?

JOHN: Yes. Draco territory anywhere was strictly off-limits. Most military bases, both on- and off-planet, are mostly off limits. If we had to look at something in a military area, we would do remote viewing, because that’s—

DANIEL: Leaves less of a footprint.

JOHN: Yes.

DANIEL: But did the mood or personality of the observer affect what you were seeing in the projections?

JOHN: No, not at all whatsoever.

DANIEL: So it was totally objective.

JOHN: Yeah.

DANIEL: And when you had those prohibitions, were those encoded in the software so that you couldn’t even access it if you tried, or was it just a prudent— I mean, a measure so that you wouldn’t get caught?

JOHN: It was just a measure; you didn’t want to get caught. A couple of the Draco areas actually we did go so far as to encode blockages, because it was just not worth it. Even if we really had to look at those areas, it was just not worth the extreme risk of getting caught. So, we would use a remote-viewer or we would send in an infiltrator in an avatar body.

DANIEL: Meaning they have such advanced etheric sensors, like hair-trigger, that just projecting the footprint of this device there would have triggered it or something.

JOHN: Yes.

DANIEL: Wow. And how do they know what events they need to alter in order to get the desired effect?

JOHN: Well, that’s again a bit complicated, but you can sometimes ask the device. For example, if you’re looking at an outcome, you can say, “Okay, show me: how did we get to this place?” and it’ll show you how this or that happened. Sometimes it’s pretty obvious. For example during the invasion timelines it was obvious, “Okay, we need to go and assassinate whoever thought of doing this invasion,” and we would do that. And many times it was trial-and-error.

DANIEL: So, the holographic device and the star gates worked hand-in-hand. You can’t have one without the other, right?

JOHN: Yeah.

(29:00) DANIEL: And how did they verify if they did get the the effect they wanted?

JOHN: It was pretty easy: you could just check in through the device on the new timeline or the new version of the timeline and see, “Did this or that change?” and that was pretty simple.

DANIEL: And how just how old is Alex right now?

JOHN: Well, with all the life missions he’s thousands of years old. But
his birthday is February 25, 1956, so he would be 67, right?

DANIEL: So, with integrating him, it would be like gaining thousands of years of memories.

JOHN: Yeah, it would.

DANIEL: As well as skills.

JOHN: Yeah.

(30:00) DANIEL: What about— do you get mind-wiped after the missions, the life missions?

JOHN: No. No, no mind wipe whatsoever. They actually want— they want you to remember those for intel purposes among other things.

DANIEL: So, it sounds like they’re doing it right, I mean, at the very least that, right?

JOHN: Yeah.

DANIEL: And also the spans: for example, in a really lengthy life-mission, it seems also more humane in the sense that you’re not plucked, like with Tony Rodrigues, for example. He felt bereaved that he was taken at that point, just when he got a girlfriend and all that.

JOHN: Yeah. There is quite a bit of freedom actually in how you live your life there; you just have to also follow the brief. And you will get plucked out and punished in some way if you’re not following the brief

DANIEL: But it seems so difficult to keep track of so many life missions, and so many of them presumably are happening simultaneously. So, therefore, you have in this same timeline, in this 3D reality, many Alexes, but the same body, same consciousness, and no mind wipe involved.

JOHN: Yeah, I guess so. Well, a fair number of them are in avatar bodies, but yeah, pretty much. And it is incredibly confusing keeping track of them.

DANIEL: But does it get watered down if you’re sent to so many places at the same time, because the consciousness has to alot a certain amount of its power?

JOHN: Yeah, I would say it does get watered down somewhat.

DANIEL: So, they’re keeping an eye on it to not push it quite too much, right?

JOHN: Oh, yeah, yeah.

(32:00) DANIEL: Do they also use time travel to prop up their early development, like, say, the Germans?

JOHN: Yes.

DANIEL: Does that mean they’re older than just the 1930s?

JOHN: Oh, I’m sure, yeah.

DANIEL: Wow. There seems no end to this, bottomless. It seems unfair, first of all.

JOHN: Yeah.

DANIEL: Just how widespread are their Looking Glass projects?

JOHN: I couldn’t tell you a hundred percent. I know that they have outposts of some description on many planets. They have a lot of sleeper agents in places, especially in colonies off world, but in a lot of places they don’t really have so much a presence as they do missions there occasionally.

DANIEL: But surely they’re more involved in this section of the Milky Way.

JOHN: Yes.

DANIEL: Which is the, what? Are we in the Draco Empire or not?

JOHN: We are, yes, and our immediate backyard is, but we’re kind of on the edges, so you don’t have to go too far to get out of it.

DANIEL: It’s more disputed here

JOHN: Yes, definitely.

DANIEL: So how much of the future right now is Alex aware of?

JOHN: The furthest into the future I can remember him going or looking is the 27th century. And things are looking pretty good by then. He has done missions there, to that far in the future as well. He went there for fun a couple of times too, to London.

(34:00) DANIEL: So not just looking at holographic recordings for fun, but actually inserting yourself in the future for fun?

JOHN: Yeah.

DANIEL: And that was only after he got to climb the ranks.

JOHN: Oh, yeah, yeah.

DANIEL: That’s a hell of a perquisite.

JOHN: Yes, it is.

DANIEL: So does Alex look exactly like you, so you maybe could crash there and just demand to go there?

JOHN: No, he doesn’t look exactly like me, unfortunately. Similar, quite similar, but not exactly.

DANIEL: And when he was sent on the future missions, does it kind of imply that what he witnessed there is going to play out in our reality as well?

JOHN: Yes.

DANIEL: By and large, with small Mandela effects.

(35:00) JOHN: Yes, pretty much. They wouldn’t be going there if it wasn’t— Alternate realities they don’t really care that much about. Sometimes they’ll go over to one if there’s technology they want or something like that, but usually they’re left alone. So, if they’re going so far as to send a mission to a place, then, yes, it’s it affects this reality in a significant fashion.

DANIEL: Do you know how many alternate realities there are? Because that really makes things complex; I wish there weren’t any.

JOHN: I don’t have a number, no.

DANIEL: One of them is the Kruger one, the one that Kruger is from and where Germany won the war — I mean officially — and ETs walked the street, right?

jOHN: Yes.

DANIEL: Did you have any excursions there?

JOHN: A couple of times, yeah. It was all right— it wasn’t the worst reality.

DANIEL: Do you figure that we are kind of a more complete, like original reality, and that one is lesser or something?

JOHN: No, I’d say that they’re about equally “real.” That’s a difficult question, honestly.

DANIEL: Okay, so how does knowing how things will pan out actually affect his actions in day-to-day?

JOHN: Well, he always— he’s more relaxed about the future, but he’s also in a way much more uptight about it because timelines also change all the time. To quote, of all things, Terminator 2, “The future is not set. There is no faith in that which we make for ourselves.” So, it keeps him busy, that’s for sure, having to keep things going in the optimal fashion so that things will happen or won’t happen.

(37:00) DANIEL: Is he the front-runner in terms of the amount of years that he has put into this, or are there others that— and what’s the requirement to be sent on so many life missions?

JOHN: The requirement is basically that you can handle it.

DANIEL: Psychologically.

JOHN: Yes. There are very long and stringent psychological evaluations before you get sent on any. He was being sent on them pretty much— well, not immediately but within a few years, because he’d already been doing that at Montauk, so they knew he could handle it. And to be sent on a lot of them is a rare thing. It’s just— it’s a rare thing. There are some others. Don’t get me wrong. There are others at the base who do do that, but he is one of the few.

DANIEL: You even have relationships so there’s kind of a tight-knit clique, right?

JOHN: Yes very much so. There is a camaraderie.

DANIEL: ETs and humans?

JOHN: Yeah. Oh, yeah.

DANIEL: What language do they speak?

JOHN: English or telepathic or there are colloquialisms also that are borrowed from other languages that are pretty much exclusive to Area 51.

DANIEL: And from the fact that ETS are involved I can surmise that there are also separate ET programs that deal with time manipulation on other planets; it’s a feature.

JOHN: Oh, yes. One of the constants in this galaxy is that time is everything in this galaxy. Even though it also doesn’t exist, it’s also everything, you know.

DANIEL: As in it is just one moment that you just tweak a little bit.

JOHN: Yeah.

(39:00) DANIEL: But do you ever clash with these other time manipulators?

JOHN: Of course.

DANIEL: Give us an example.

JOHN: We would clash with a reptilian species. I still don’t know what what exactly they were, but there is a reptilian species that— they look like they evolved from an anole lizard — a-n-o-l-e — people can look that up. That species we clashed with for quite awhile. One of the life missions actually was going into a war with them that lasted for about 30 years, where they were trying to take control of Mars.

We clashed with the Russians on a regular basis. Nowadays we have tepid relations with the Russian time-travel program; I wouldn’t say that we have friendly relations. Of course, when I started out, it was during the Cold War, so it was extremely hostile. We clash with the Chinese time-travel program on a regular basis now.


JOHN: And sometimes we work with the German time travelers, sometimes we’re against them: it all depends. I mean, with the German Nacht Waffen and time travelers, not the ones who were a part of Looking Glass, which were a mixture of Paperclip Nazis and the one controlled by Germany on Earth — the country of Germany.

DANIEL: And is this ability to just insert yourself in these lifetimes also not constitute a way for you to just enjoy basically something close to immortality? Because it seems like after you get in a high position like Alex, there seem to be no limits to this. I mean, is this practice enviable in that way?

JOHN: In some ways, yes, I would say it is enviable. In some ways I’d say it’s torture, because nothing is permanent. And there’s nothing quite like life missions that you then have to leave at some point to make you realize that nothing is ever permanent.

DANIEL: But does Alex not feel lucky that he gets the lifespan we all strive to, that he gets to not get the mind wipe, the Amnesia that we do, and the benefits that come with that?

JOHN: Yes, he is quite happy with that most of the time.

DANIEL: Despite just being a fragment of your consciousness.

JOHN: Yeah.

DANIEL: Does he accept that, by the way?

JOHN: Kind of. Yeah, he does. He actually thinks that I’m a fragment of him that he’s the true original, and I can’t I can’t honestly say for certain that he’s not correct.

DANIEL: Wow. Maybe you’re just the whistleblower alter, if that’s a thing?

JOHN: Yeah. Well, you know who had a whistleblower alter, and that’s not the original; we know that.

DANIEL: Okay, let’s briefly go over the actual star-gate device. Was it plasma or water in appearance? And once inside, did it look like a tunnel, or was it an instant transition?

JOHN: It was an instant transition. It looked like water, like slightly rippling water. You can actually see to the other side.

DANIEL: Distorted.

JOHN: Yes, distorted, as if you were looking through slowly flowing water. And there are different colors for different scenarios, which I believe Apollymi has actually said once or twice. But looking through it there’s blue there’s light blue, there’s a darker blue, there’s like a sea-foam green, and then there’s red.

DANIEL: Depending on scenarios?

JOHN: Yes. Sea-foam green is interdimensional, dark blue is space, light blue is time and space, and red is simply time.

(44:00) DANIEL: Were these just for your benefit, or was it actually a result of the cocktail that was needed for the star gate?

JOHN: I wasn’t there when we first got it, so I couldn’t honestly say. I believe it was already like that when they got it, but that’s just my speculation

DANIEL: Were there incidents when you didn’t close it on time or something came through that shouldn’t have?

JOHN: Yeah, that happened. I can remember one time being chased by a mob of ETs, tribal people who were quite human-like but they weren’t quite human. I can remember them chasing us through it, and we came running through shooting back, and we were screaming at the people, “Close it now!” and a few of these ETs still got in after us. I can remember a couple of incidents where people got careless and just didn’t turn it off at all overnight or whatever, and we would wake up and find wildlife roaming around.

DANIEL: What, deer?

JOHN: Yeah, or sometimes something really dangerous. There was one time that a dinosaur-like thing got in from some planet or other and we woke up to find it had killed several people.

DANIEL: Did you have the means to regenerate them?

JOHN: Yes, so it wasn’t a huge deal, but I’m sure whoever left it open got in quite a lot of trouble.

DANIEL: But if it really got out of hand, they would just ante-telephone, so it wasn’t a major concern. They never really caused havoc.

JOHN: No, they didn’t.

DANIEL: And when you are going through these wormholes, does it cause any changes physically or mentally?


DANIEL: So, there’s no limit at all to the times you can you get to use them, say, in a single day?

JOHN: No, not that I’m aware of. It’s basically just a— it’s an Einstein-Rosen bridge. It’s just a very advanced form of doorway, esentially.

DANIEL: And you mentioned that they sometimes took you to interdimensional realms: give us just one example there.

JOHN: I can remember visiting one where there were these creatures who looked like, I think the term is satyrs, like the god Pan. The goat people,
the goat people, you know? We went to their dimension. We were after some scrolls or something. How we got the intel that those scrolls were there— well, I’d assume we found it in the device, so I guess that’s how we knew they were there. And we went there, and those creatures were extremely rude to us.

DANIEL: That’s their thing, I think.

JOHN: Yeah. They were extremely rude. Not violent in any way, just no common courtesy.

DANIEL: And presumably we know of them because of the times when Earth also had the overlapping fourth density and higher, so they could inhabit here as well, but no longer.

JOHN: Presumably.

DANIEL: What about other fantastic creatures? Orks?

JOHN: Not Orks. I did see like dark elves once.

(48:00) DANIEL: Shakrell.

JOHN: Is that what they’re called? . . . The dark elves were actually an Inner Earth race. I think they might still have a presence down there, but in Atlantean times they were more or less the dominant species in Inner Earth. And I’ve been to a planet that had griffins, wild griffins flying around, and they were actually really friendly wildlife. They would come up and eat out of your hand and let you pet them and stuff. That was really cool.

DANIEL: The dark elves, were they black?

JOHN: Yeah, black or dark charcoal-gray, red eyes, bright white hair—

DANIEL: Sounds like the Shakrell from Apollymi.

JOHN: Yeah. And around 12 feet tall.

DANIEL: They originated in H’nova.

JOHN: Okay.

DANIEL: And so, you can punch in coordinates, just as with the holograms, just about anywhere that is not restricted because of the political ramifications.

JOHN: Yes.

DANIEL: So, they they can also use this. I mean that’s the only explanation for their ability to just abduct anyone that they want.

JOHN: Yeah.

DANIEL: And do they abduct?

JOHN: Oh, yes.

DANIEL: So, most of the personnel are not there by their own free will?

JOHN: Yeah, most of them are not. A lot of them are actually not abducted: they’re people that we— we did partake in the markets for alters that— That’s a whole subject in and of itself, but there are places where there will be literally alter markets, where you can go look at a list of alters that a person has and buy one.

DANIEL: And where would you go for such a thing? I mean, the Illuminati, or what?

JOHN: There’s a facility on the Moon where you can do that. Sometimes you can do that at Montauk. It’s not so much anymore with Project Phoenix, but in the early days when they had an overabundance of personnel, they would do that quite regularly.

DANIEL: Right.

JOHN: and also there’s there’s a place in Los Angeles where this happens. It’s underneath a museum that I can’t remember the name of [Getty], but under a museum in Los Angeles they will have markets for alters.

DANIEL: Right.

JOHN: You can literally place an order say hey I need a female, age 13 blond hair, blue eyes, who can do telekinesis or whatever.

DANIEL: But is that not the most nefarious aspect of all this?

JOHN: Yes, it is. I fully agree.

DANIEL: Can you point fingers to the agency that’s primarily involved with the mind-fracture and the selling of alters?

JOHN: The entire intelligence community. For Americans that would be the CIA; for the British, MI6; for the French, DGSE; and so on. For the Chinese I believe it’s called the Ministry of State security. Whatever your CIA equivalent is in your whatever country you’re in, your CIA equivalent is who is ultimately doing this.

DANIEL: And these abductions, they also use some sort of time distortion or slowing down or freezing, I think.

JOHN: Yes, they create a time anomaly around the building you’re being abducted from, usually. And of course it usually only takes two or three seconds to go in and grab someone. So they’ll do that and then they’ll turn off the time-anomaly-creating device, and then it’s over with. And then when they bring you back, they do the same in reverse.

DANIEL: And this is first-hand information because you yourself have been involved in them.

JOHN: Yes.

DANIEL: So, the distortion is only effective in the abductees case, and you’re actually immune to it.

JOHN: Yes. How that works I don’t know, but yes that is correct.

DANIEL: And I’ve heard that sometimes they can get a little hairy.

JOHN: Yes. Sometimes the abductee will also be immune to it, and they’ll start fighting back. Sometimes you’ll be spotted and you’ll have to ante-telephone.

(53:00) DANIEL: Just how gruesome do the fights get?

JOHN: Very; they can get very gruesome.

DANIEL: Even result in deaths?

JOHN: Oh, of course, yeah. I mean, people have guns.

DANIEL: And so you just drag their corpse over.

JOHN: Yeah, yeah.

DANIEL: Regenerate them.

JOHN: Yeah, and then we’ll send in a team to clean up and remove all evidence before we put them back.

DANIEL: That’s nice. And do they have special criteria for the abductees?

JOHN: Yes. Do you mean Project Looking Glass specifically?

DANIEL: Well, yeah.

JOHN: Ah, now we’re getting to a juicy thing. Okay. Ninety percent of humans who can use the Looking Glass, including myself, but ninety percent of all people in the entire history of this project who can or have used the device are AB-negative blood type. Less than one percent of the planet is of that blood type, but ninety percent of the people who are able to use the device are AB-negative.

DANIEL: What it does that link you to?

JOHN: That’s the question that I’m trying to figure out right now. I believe it’s actually a cocktail, which is why it’s so rare, because it’s a very specific mix. And I believe you can only have an AB-negative kid if both parents are also AB-negative.

DANIEL: Does it have to do with um ability to interface with the device, or what does it enable the most?

JOHN: It enables whatever psionic ability is required to use the device. The other thing, the Looking Glass device itself requires that, whatever that DNA mixture is. And there are a few people here and there who will also have the required DNA but aren’t AB-negative, but that’s extremely rare. Maybe in the nearly 50 years that Alex has been doing that project there have been perhaps less than 100 out of tens of thousands of people who have come and gone and used the device one once or twice.

DANIEL: So, most of the work effort is aimed towards assessment and research and analysis and tinkering with the probable timelines and possibilities, and not so much with the actual missions, because you don’t need as many people there.

(56:00) JOHN: Yeah. The missions are— I mean, they’re a part of this, but they’re the last step we take. We do all of the research in depth for oftentimes months ahead of time to find out exactly what’s needed for everything, and then we just send in a mission to do whatever is necessary.

DANIEL: But the mission still is everything; you couldn’t make any headway without it.

JOHN: No, you could not.

DANIEL: And is there any mind control involved with the abductees?

JOHN: Yes. I mean, they’re alters, generally.

DANIEL: Which is done outside, never inside. Never like in Montauk; there’s no torture inside the Looking Glass project.

JOHN: Correct. We did not at Area 51; I never saw any mind fracturing occurring there.

DANIEL: Or abuse, I mean, overt.

JOHN: No, no. I mean, there were some pretty severe punishments if you really got out of line, but you wouldn’t get killed if you got caught for a minor infraction like you would at Camp Hero, or anything like that.

DANIEL: But if you did, what was the method of execution?

JOHN: Execution was one shot to the back of the neck, one and done. Punishments were— very occasionally for pretty severe stuff there were floggings. but usually it was just like a reduction in pay or a demotion or notes in your file, things like that. Typical military stuff.

DANIEL: Right. And what would you say is their end-goal, or when would you say that they would be content? Or are they already there?

JOHN: They’re not already there. I don’t know, eventually people are gonna have to get tired of it, honestly, because timelines are never going to stop changing. So, I don’t know. That’s a good question.

DANIEL: Right. So, let’s just take the three testimonies regarding this and go over whether you regard them as believable or not. The first is Bill Wood, who was interviewed by Kerry Cassidy. He claims that he was part of Looking Glass and they actually shut it down years ago because of the inevitable outcome of the awakening — that they saw through it, that they could not control and avert it. So, he’s a presumably a whistleblower that claimed that it’s going to be like a losing chess match between the Cabal and the white hats, and that they can calculate the remainder of the match, but they’re going to lose and they’re just playing it out.

(59:00) JOHN: I’d say that’s somewhat true. I mean, I don’t agree, of course, that it’s been shut down, but I do agree that sooner or later they will lose.

DANIEL: This project itself?

JOHN: No, I mean the Cabal, I’m pretty sure, will eventually lose.

DANIEL: Where would you place this project: is it pretty much in the middle, gray?

JOHN: Yes. There are some genuinely good things that they’ve done here and there; not many, but they do exist. They’ve saved certain planets from destruction and things like that.

DANIEL: But you’re going to go out on limb and say that they didn’t shut it down, and there is the ability to tweak even further than the 2030s.

(1:00:30) JOHN: Yes, I know a little about the 2030 event. There will be something that’s going to happen then.

DANIEL: And there are at least two big timeline sequences.

JOHN: Yes.

DANIEL: Do you know if it’s going to be galactic events?

JOHN: I don’t think that’s happening in 2030; I think that’s much, much further down the line. I think that in 2030, for whatever reason, something massive will happen that will drastically change world politics. And we may get disclosure. In the positive versions we do get disclosure, at least to some degree, in 2030.

DANIEL: And you also had encounters with Bob Lazar.

(1:02:30) JOHN: Yeah. Just as he said, he was there reverse-engineering stuff. I haven’t listened to him in awhile and the memory isn’t super clear, but, yeah, I knew him there. At that period — that would have been, what, late 1980s, I think? At that period Alex was working security. He was still rising through the ranks, kind of bouncing from job to job as part of this project, so he’s— actually, he would have been the one who handled security clearances for Lazar and his team.

DANIEL: So, that confirms that he’s legit, but also most likely altered.

JOHN: I’d be shocked if he wasn’t.

DANIEL: So what [Bob Lazar] is talking about is just the bits that he has been allowed to, and not mind-wiped.

JOHN: Probably, yes.



The Immortal Seven, Creators, Councils and the Afterlife – Apollymi Mandylion


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Merrily’s site: https://cosmicbrilliance.com


(1:50) Welcome back to Cosmic Brilliance, Apollymi, and thank you for sharing your time to teach us.

APOLLYMI: Thank you; it’s really awesome to be back again.

(2:20) MERRILY: I dragged her here by her dragon tail, which is not easy! So, let’s begin with a question from one of our earliest shows. Apollymi you mentioned that heaven was destroyed, . . . and it was my mistake not to pursue it and ask more questions.

You said that Heaven was destroyed. YHWH disintegrated in front of you, leaving a crown and gold in this universe. He’s still in the Source Universe, Hanova (pronounced Anuva); but two weeks after YHWH disappeared, there was an attack on Heaven.

(4:00) APOLLYMI: I have to explain this, first. YHWH’s heaven, for that transition period between the soul resting and being reincarnated, is in a very high dimension in this universe. Nevertheless, there are factions who can enter that dimension. Most people think that this is a place that it is protected, and that nothing harmful can reside in this dimension, but that is not true. Entities who have the ability to enter those dimensions can be good, can be evil, can be neutral. . . .

(7:00) So, these entities came to YHWH’s gates, YHWH’s kingdom, because the land stretches very far and wide: there’s forest, there are streams beyond his kingdom’s walls in the same dimension. There are other  places residing in this dimension. And the gates were broken down; a battle took place. There were several different factions involed.

Now, the attack happened two weeks after YHWH disappeared, and there was  no warning that I knew of. I was not be a part of this; I was told to stay out of it and stay down here. I could not astral-travel over there; I couldn’t do anything. And I and another angelic were on the phone talking, remotely viewing the entire thing and just crying.

(8:00) MERRILY: So, that tells me that the attack was allowed from high-up somewhere.

APOLLYMI: So, when Heaven was destroyed, Yeshua had to leave. Now, the well of souls was not touched, because nobody can touch that. It can’t be destroyed; it can’t be tampered with. I mean, the punishment [for tampering with it] is nonexistence.

(9:30) MERRILY: Okay, so what was targeted was just YHWH’s kingdom.

APOLLYMI: Right: there are other kingdoms in those dimensions. . . .

MERRILY: So, are there a certain number of layers, like seven kingdoms, in
that dimension, and is each one controlled by an angelic?

APOLLYMI: People can reside in many different afterlife kingdoms, and some of them are more connected to the multiverse than others. When I say connected, I mean that you can go there from any part of the multiverse.

(11:30) MERRILY: So the first thing you clarified is that not all of that dimension was destroyed, just YHWH’s kingdom, which is where most people from Earth go after crossing over, is that right?


MERRILY: And who guards YHWH’s heaven, and what happened?

(12:30) APOLLYMI: After the kingdom was destroyed, they had to abandon everything. There was really no one there for a a couple of weeks: everyone left. Many things were raided, but many things were were untouched.

So, when the kingdom of heaven was destroyed, Yeshua left. Many of the angels left. We didn’t really view anybody there for several weeks. But the well of souls was untouched for a couple of days, and other creators came in, and all those souls in the well were transferred to a suitable area for them to have their afterlife.

(13:40) The well of souls is a huge area where you can go to rest until you’re ready to come out and experience new things again. You don’t have to be in the well of souls if you don’t want to: it is a choice when you begin your afterlife. But if you choose to have pure rest and reflect on everything internally, that’s what it’s for, and it’s the closest experience that you’re going to have of Source itself.

MERRILY: And what else would you like to add?

APOLLYMI: After a couple weeks, we ended up talking to a few of the angelics like Michael, Raphael, and they wanted to start rebuilding the kingdom again, which they had started. It is still very damaged; there are still many things to be done and rebuilt. No one is going to have an afterlife with a creator of the high stature of YHWH until Yeshua becomes a creator.

MERRILY: So, what are they doing to repair Heaven? Are they trying to duplicate it exactly as YHWH had it? Can they just manifest what they want?

(16:00) APOLLYMI: I only wish it were that easy. It doesn’t matter what dimension you’re on: you must still contend with the physics. You can’t create something out of nothing. So, even though many of the angelics are of multiple variances, not every angel has the same abilities, because it depends on what group they come from. Some have a lot more power than others, and it’s the higher ones that have the ability to rebuild things more easily than the newer generation.

MERRILY: In terms of our time, how long will it take?

(17:00) APOLLYMI: They have made a lot of progress since the event happened in 2012, but there’s still a lot to be done. And they are making it in their own way, improving some things. They don’t have their leaders anymore, really. I mean, yes, they have Michael, they have Gabriel and some of the other seraphim who ruled the seven layers of heaven, but they don’t have the full structure anymore. And this is new to them. So they have to relearn their social structures, everything.

(18:00) APOLLYMI: Many people have an erroneous conception of what hell is. Hell is older than most people realize. It is one of the first planes for the afterlife for the multiverse that was created. There is a lot that goes on down there. And it is for the afterlife; it existed before the creators and sub-creators created their own afterlife kingdoms with their places of rest for souls. So, people who have a good nature, whose karmic debt is neutral, they go to hell and have a wonderful afterlife. They are not being tortured. Now, don’t get me wrong — that is there, too, but it’s not in the same area.

MERRILY: So, basically, there are beautiful spots in hell where they can go and rest, just like they would have in the kingdom of YHWH?

APOLLYMI: You have two options. One option is to go into the realms of hell soul well. Now, in the soul well, you are at a point of rest. So, you can have whatever afterlife you want. You could have millions upon millions of souls in the soul well, and the space is infinite. It makes reality the way that you want it only for you; it does not affect other people. And so, you can have as much time, as much happiness, as much time to reflect in all  of your being in that soul well and be protected. Nothing is going to touch you in there.

By the time that you feel like you you are ready to reincarnate all you have to do is tell the creator of that realm and they will let you out. And you can live in the realm for awhile while they wait for a body to be ready for you. But you can just stay awhile. There are places in the realms of hell whereyou just kind of exist  it’s kind of like this plane you know if you want to work you can work if you want to just relax and do whatever, experience things, go places, that’s fine, too. you know you don’t even have to be reincarnated: you could just exist as your own entity and sometimes they’ll allow you to do that, depending on your contracts. Most people would consider this to be like astral traveling. Your soul would go to other places, but you wouldn’t have a physical body as you do on Earth.

(22:00) MERRILY: When they’re there and they’re experiencing what they want to experience in a peaceful way, is that a simulation based on their intent?

APOLLYMI: Yes. So, if you consciously wish to torture yourself of your own volition, that’s what’s going to happen. But it only affects you: it doesn’t affect any other soul in the soul well.

MERRILY: So, you live a reality that you’re projecting — welcome to what we do — until you get so sick and tired of it that you ask for assistance or help.

APOLLYMI: Yes. And you can only live a peaceful life for so long before you get bored of it. It becomes repetitive and tedious, and it’s just stagnant. Even if it’s a  glorious life, things just become stagnant. Your soul has to constantly be involved with things and touch and learn and have experiences.

(23:00) MERRILY: Because there is no time; it’s infinte. We’re talking about multiple universes. So the growth continues.

Another question arises: while waiting for a body that would be appropriate for your karma and soul-frequency, what if I decided to create my own kingdom? [laughter]

APOLLYMI: You would just have to find a place to do that. I mean, if you don’t want to be reincarnated into a physical  body on a plane, your consciousness can decide, “I’m going to go over here.” But you’re unprotected, which is why most people decide to get reincarnated fairly quickly, or they just wait in the afterlife realm they are in. But if you’re brave enough and decide to go to this galaxy or go over here to this city, and you’re strong enough to interact with other dimensions — to them you would be a ghost — you can do that. If you want to build a kingdom somewhere— But I hope you know your physics, because existence has laws, no matter what dimension you’re on.

MERRILY: So, the realms or kingdoms in that dimension: would they be, for example, Valhalla for the Norse, and the golden field or heavenly field, things like that?

(26:00) APOLLYMI: Those would be what we call afterlife heavens for those deities. Those would be deities who had entered into a contract to abide by the rules of karma for taking souls to a place of rest. And they also have soul wells. You don’t have to be in a soul well. If you’re in Valhalla, you can choose to go to a soul well if you wish, but most of them are trained to stay outside of the soul well, go to that realm, and fight, feast and be merry, and do other things.

MERRILY: So, Odin and Freyja would be in charge of that realm?

APOLLYMI: Freyja has her own realm.

(27:00) MERRILY: But Hades is in charge of the underworld or hell?

APOLLYMI: Hell is a realm and it is vast. There is a connection between hell and Tartarus, but they are two different kingdoms. However, Hades and Tartarus are under one supreme ruler; however, Hades is the ruler for that area of Tartarus. And Hades also has a soul well, but again, the souls cannot be mistreated.

In Greek mythology, Tartarus was the lowest point of the universe, a deep abyss below the underworld but separate from it. Tartarus is best known from Hesiod’s Theogony as one of the first beings to come into existence. World History Encyclopedia

In the ancient Greek religion and mythology, Hades is the god of the dead and the king of the underworld, with which his name became synonymous.

APOLLYMI: They are not allowed to use the soul as so much currency; they are not allowed to take the soul’s power onto themselves to make themselves more powerful. Souls are there to rest: that’s it. When one becomes a creator of that order, one has made a past to protect them, to take all of the steps that they require for their karmic afterlife.

(28:30) MERRILY: Are they also what are called reapers?

APOLLYMI: No, the reapers are tied in with Source, and they’re like a delivery system. Say you die, and your soul comes out of your body, and you have no religion, you don’t know where to go. The reaper is there looking at you in its many various forms, because there are more than one, and if you ask the reaper, “Now what?” he can give you information. But they are there to protect you; they are there to make sure that no demon, that no entity comes and tries to bully you, tries to take you away. They are there to take you where you want to go; it doesn’t matter if it’s to an evil god, a good god or a neutral god.

If a person has a religious preference — Christianity, Islam, Shintoism, whatever your preference is — your deity will send someone for you. . . . But reapers are there to make sure that nothing takes advantage of you and you go wherever you wish to be taken.

Now, you can stay in purgatory and find your own way, but it’s very difficult to be reincarnated that way. Because in order to be reincarnated, you have to sign a book of life, and that can only happen through the creators who have taken the responsibility of the karmic laws.

(33:30) MERRILY: So, as in life, ask questions. Because if you don’t know, and you don’t ask questions, and you just allow things to happen, you might have a different experience than if you say, “I follow Yeshua and I’d like to go to his realm.”

APOLLYMI: Yes, that’s right. In order for a creator to offer an afterlife, he has to go through many trials and tribulations. He has to prove himself to Prime-Source Creator of the multiverse, and take an oath that he not only knows the rules, knows the laws, but that he is able to protect the souls that are coming for his afterlife. He is able to uphold the laws and make sure that those souls are protected. So, this is why you always see huge afterlife kingdoms. . . .

(38:00) APOLLYMI: You can be a deity in any dimension. You just have to have the knowledge, the power, the self-control to start working your way up the ranks. Now, when we start getting into creators, that is completely different. Not only do you have to have the science, the knowledge of how to create, to destroy, to balance, but there’s a lot of testing of certain tiers of deities.

Let’s say that you become a god of Earth: you feed on people’s energy and become stronger. That is meaningless to the higher creators, because you still have to prove yourself in a lot of areas. You have to prove that you understand the law and the rules governing the universe. You have to understand what it means to be a creator, whether you choose to be a good creator or an evil creator, a creator of destruction, a creator of life, a creator of balance, a creator of flower paperfolding. It doesn’t matter. So, a creator of Earth would not be like the creators that govern this universe. That requires a lot of merit.

MERRILY: Do they ever deviate from the Law on those higher levels?

(40:30) APOLLYMI: Again, good and evil is a point of view, but when it comes to signed contracts stipulating what you are going to do and what you are not going to do as a creator, that is taken very seriously. When they decide to create a new universe, ten different councils are needed. Each council has perhaps seven or eight members. All of those councils have to come together and agree to specific rules laid down by the Immortal Seven. Those are the rules that cannot be broken.

But that doesn’t mean that they’re not going to be broken, as every person in those councils has his own consciousness. . . . So, yes, they can deviate from the plan, which would be more along the lines of, “I don’t agree with what’s happening here; I am going to change this of my own volition; I feel that this experiment would have a better outcome if I did this.” That’s how deviation begins in the higher ranks.

MERRILY: And if they get caught violating the rules, do they get assimilated back into the One?

APOLLYMI: If an entity violates one of the main tenets that the Immortal Seven have set, then, yes, he could get assimilated back into Source.

MERRILY: And the Immortal Seven are the creators in Hanova who came from Source.

APOLLYMI: Right. Hanova is the first universe that was created. The Immortal Seven are the council that that governs the multiverse.

(44:00) MERRILY: I understant the Immortal Seven had not been in this experimental universe for a very long time. And you went there and tried to get their attention because there was too much chaos and darkness here. What does it take to get the attention of the Immortal Seven and why did they finally come?

APOLLYMI: I was chosen by the Immortal Seven of Light to be their champion back when I was in Atlantis — the first Atlantis, when it was created. Not when it was taken over, but when it was created. Because the Atlantean records that everyone on this planet seems to have are from after the Draconians took it over. Nobody seems to have records from when we first made Atlantis. The Immortal Seven actually had avatars that came down here and created things, created Atlantis and governed the people.

So, during that time period, I became the champion of light, and I have been stationed on this planet for a very long time. And so, I’ve seen a lot of this world change. I’ve seen its ebbs and flows of corruption. I haven’t really been off of the world too much. I mean, I’ve had a couple of incarnations here and there, but mostly I’ve stayed within this quadrant. But I still have the ability to communicate with the Immortal Seven, and when things got really bad several years ago — And I mean really bad. This was before the project to get a the Draco off of this world.

MERRILY: In 2016 and 2017?

(47:00) APOLLYMI: In 2015 to 2016. Before that time period, there were some events in my life that really just— I couldn’t take it anymore, and so I started asking the Immortal Seven for help. And I realized that they hadn’t been here. I realized they hadn’t been to this universe for a really long time. And so, I told them what was happening, and their response was, “You’re very young. You’re just overreacting. You’re just not used to this universe because it’s so different from Hanova.” And my response was, “I’ve been here for the last 34,000 years!” And that’s just on Earth!

So, I had to bother them a lot. And I know I wasn’t the only one, because I  started running into other Hanovans. And I’m like, “You need to go and tell them.” Because some of the other Hanovans were here on Earth, too. And they started talking to the Seven, telling them, “Things are really bad down here; you really need to start paying attention.” And so, finally, one of them came over here, and they were baffled.

MERRILY: They were baffled, just like the people on the planet are baffled!

(48:30) APOLLYMI: Upon their first observation of everything that had  happened, they’re like, “Well, this is kind of weird, but it’s not really that bad.” And I’m like, “Oh, just just wait a bit; wait awhile.” They ended up observing me for a week, and then they came back to me, and they’re like, “So, I couldn’t help but notice that you’re being treated very unfairly, completely against sanctioned contracts.” And I didn’t realize at the time how bad it was, because the government programs that I was in had brainwashed me into believing they owned me. And the other factions that I was involved with, they were really manipulative. And I had no idea, because I was uneducated about how manipulative they were. But one of the Immortals actually went through my contracts, looked at everything, looked at who had control over me, and many of my contracts were forged, which is against the law.

(50:00) MERRILY: It wasn’t just you: it happened to other powerful beings too.

APOLLYMI: Oh, yes, absolutely. And so, they ended up going back and having a discussion with the other Immortals, and it all fell down through there. So, we ended up having a meeting, and they said that they were going to look into  things — and not just for me, but they were really going to look into things. And they started with Earth, and it started in around 2015. It has expanded from Earth to the quadrant, to the galaxy, to multiple galaxies, and now the entire universe is under investigation.

(51:00) MERRILY: It’s about time! One of the reasons I keep encouraging people to focus and work on being more of a co-creator is that if you don’t have a strong sense of self and start knowing that you’re a creator, or at least co-creating, my sense is they don’t really pay attention to you. It takes someone like you, or somebody who is saying, “Enough, already! You have to look at this!” And you mind-melded with them. And I think you told us in another show that their reaction was, “That can’t be right!”

APOLLYMI: I say mind-meld: it’s basically touch osmosis. They wouldn’t listen, and so I had to start showing them what I was going through, how I was feeling, everything that was happening around me, before they got it. And it was not just the Immortal Seven: I had to do this to a couple of the high councillors, high councilmembers of other galaxies, because they didn’t know how bad it was down here on Earth. . . .

MERRILY: And the situation had deteriorated way beyond the point at which they could remain neutral.

APOLLYMI: Oh, way beyond. Ooh, man, it’s bad. And you know, a lot of them were like, “Oh, you’re just young.” That was my favorite excuse: “You’re just young.” I’m like, “I’m older than you are! What are you talking about?” [laughter]

(53:30) APOLLYMI: Several of  us a lot of us ended up having a meeting with the people who had investment in this  planet — investment in this planet. Not just the dark councils, but the Andromedans, Sirians, you know some of the Pleiadians. And we were like, “You guys need to fix this. This is your problem, too.” And they’re like, “You guys are fine; you’re fine.” And so I actually grabbed someone’s skull and melded with him and showed him how bad it was, and he threw up. I didn’t even show him my SSP stuff; I showed him a lot of just day-to-day stuff — homeless people on the street. You know, I’ve been homeless, so I know what it’s like, you know? I showed him that. I showed him all of the frustration and anger. I showed him everything, you know, everything that was happening — all the division, all of the people in poverty, you know, our governments giving all of our resources to other countries when they can’t even feed their own people, clothe their own people, help their own people with medical needs. And he literally threw up.

And when I started talking about a lot of the projects and everything, you know, I ended up touching him again, and he threw up a second time, because I showed him what they did to us. And I’m like, “I never joined the military in my civilian life. They have no right to be doing this to any of us.”

MERRILY: And this is hundreds of thousands of people, too.

APOLLYMI: Yeah! It affects everybody on the planet!

(55:30) MERRILY: So, when you said these different people, Andromedans, everyone, have an investment in this planet, describe an investment, what investment means. Do you mean in the people, having their genetics? What do you mean by investment?

APOLLYMI: What I mean by the investment is, the factions who invested in this planet to remake it after Tiamat was blown apart. So, they have real stock in this planet because they put in the [resources] to rebuild the whole thing — to create Inner Earth, to create the outer structures and the [surface] we live on.

They invested a lot of resources. We’re talking about man-hours, resources to build it, our rocks and magma and structure. We had to pull a lot of that from the broken parts of the planet, pull them back in to start melting them down.

MERRILY: They were creating a planet.

APOLLYMI: Yeah, and then terraforming it after that. They did more of a natural terraforming. And then you have the the seedlings down here, where they put the arks. You call them arks; I call them something different. But they put the arks down here and put the species down here and everything else. That is a large amount of resources.

So, I know people don’t feel like they are owned. I know a lot of people don’t like that. But if you live in a society with a government, if you have a Social Security number, you are owned. It’s the same principle you know? It’s kind of like being born in a functioning society. So, they have a certain amount of stock in people, and therefore they’re kind of like parents, and they have a responsibility for everyone down here to an extent. We were put down here to survive, to grow and learn about our  environment, and do what we will with it; however, some guidance, or at least a teacher, would have been nice, because we have been deprived of that for many, many millennia. I’m not even talking about ET technology: we’re talking about how to communicate with the trees, how to communicate with nature so that we can better understand it and be harmonious with it and use the resources it gives us without stripping, without raping it.

MERRILY: So, you spent a year and a half going back and forth and telling them, “This is wrong; this is what’s happening.” Why was the situation on Earth allowed to deteriorate to this degree?

(1:00:00) APOLLYMI: Time runs so much differently for the Immortal Seven. Time runs much faster here compared to Hanova. . . . But again, it takes voices to tell them that something is not right here. Over the last two thousand years we’ve been conditioned to believe that we have to put up with it. It has only been in the past few years that [the Luciferians have abused their power].

(1:04:00) APOLLYMI: It’s very rare for the Immortal Seven to agree to anything that is extremely negative. They usually leave that for a torture section of hell, because that’s really well monitored — they have full control over them. An experimental universe such as this one, even though it is separated from Source so it can’t contaminate any other universes that have passed, they know that it’s probably not going to pass successfully. The probability that it would pass anything is very small, like 10% or 20%.

(1:06:00) MERRILY: It seems like a lot of manipulation and loopholes are being used that may not be in accordance with the original rules of the Immortal Seven.

APOLLYMI: This is a free-will universe. It’s not a Law-of-One universe. So, torturing is acceptable to an extent because it creates an experience that can help someone to evolve. But there is a point at which torture is excessive and it starts to violate the Immortal Seven’s rules. You are not supposed to destroy a soul; you are not supposed to allow people to be tortured so much that the soul wishes that it didn’t exist anymore. Those are some of the laws that are supposed to be upheld.

Now those rules are for creators in councils. And they are supposed to monitor those universes, so that if something starts to have a negative impact on the experience, they are supposed to stop it, and that has not happened. This is one of the things that’s being investigated, because some of the rules that the Immortal Seven laid down have been broken. And many of the laws for this universe, for original purpose, have been broken. I’m not allowed to say exactly which universal laws, because you had me check into those, and they started to.


(1:08:00) APOLLYMI: However, they have been broken and there were some very serious offenses — not only on the part of entities in this universe that should have known better, but on the part of some of the creator councils as well, because they did not step in. Some of the creators decided to help, but they have to help in subtle ways, which means asking a group to be champions and do certain things. And some of the the creator councils did step in directly, but when you have so much imbalance, even creator councils can only do so much before they are overwhelmed.

(1:09:00) MERRILY: So, I remember you said that the Immortal Seven came into this universe finally through promptings  of you and others over the course of a year and a half. Who’s in charge here? How did this happen? This was not an original agreement. You guys are not abiding by the laws. You have this amount of time to fix it, or we’re going to do something you may not like. Did they actually say that and do that?

APOLLYMI: In around 2005, I believe . . . I posted information that I witnessed a very important meeting with very important creators, and they were talking to the Andromeda Council. And warnings were given that if the malfeasance in this universe didn’t stop, there are going to be serious consequences. So, yes, the Immortal Seven have stepped in and have told the creator councils, “If you don’t correct this, if things don’t start to change, we’re all in trouble.”

(1:11:00) MERRILY: How does Source-Creator fit into this, and what is its responsibility for this experimental creation?

APOLLYMI: First of all, the Immortal Seven lay down the rules. They have the same rules for every experimental universe, and they also make rules for every governing universe that has passed the experimentations. They are the ones who allow the creation of experimental universes. They also pick the councils who are going to govern the universes. So, if several councils come to them and say, “We would like to run an experimental universe; may we do this?” they have to go through each council member, examine him, and if they don’t like a member or they don’t  like a council as a whole, they’re like, “No, you can’t be part of this. You’re not ready. You have to continue your studies before you’re allowed to.”

So, after that, they give these councils an energy ball, basically, and that’s all I can say about that without getting into trouble. But, yes, they have to make sure that those councils are doing their job. And again, there are millions upon millions of experimental universes going at once. It’s very difficult to keep an eye on all of them all at once.

MERRILY: So there is  a staff shortage!

APOLLYMI: I guess you could say that! [laughter]

MERRILY: Okay. I asked you why Source-Creator is not doing enough, and you told me something surprising about the characteristics of Source-Creator and who’s actually in charge. Share that.

(1:14:00) APOLLYMI: The Immortal Seven are avatars of Source-Creator’s consciousness. Each avatar is independent, and they also represent certain characteristics. So, they have their own viewpoints that differ from one another, and that’s for balance. Each one governs his own area, and they also work as a council.

And you asked me, “Why can’t they work as a team, and why don’t they know everything all at once? They should know everything.” And the answer I gave you was this: “You yourself are consciousness. You have a physical body; you have an avatar. I want  you to know everything that’s happening inside of you simultaneously: all of your organs, your cells, your microbes in your gut, everything. Can you do it?”

MERRILY: Not really, no. It has to get our attention, through sickness or something going wrong.

APOLLYMI: Right. . . .

(1:16:30) MERRILY: So, you were telling me that Source-Creator isn’t really overseeing the universes: it’s the councils underneath it that are doing that.

APOLLYMI: With respect to Source-Creator, there’s a part of it that is feeling and observing everything, but the avatars are not exactly connected to that part of itself. And they are not connected for a few reasons, one of them being safety, and the other one being experience.

APOLLYMI: With respect to this universe, the councils that are governing it have no tether to the consciousness of the universe. They can’t necessarily tap into all of it, so they have to communicate with each other.

MERRILY: How do they communicate when there’s no tether?

APOLLYMI: When I say tethers, I mean like the silver cord that attaches your astral body to your physical body. They don’t have that. They don’t have that tether, so the information from the soul to the physical does not happen instantaneously. When you meditate, your soul and your physical body can merge with the consciousness of this universe, which we are all created from, the molecules and everything else. So, there is that form of teather for us. But because they came from outside of it, they have to communicate differently. They have to communicate differently with the consciousness of the universe that they are governing.

MERRILY: And how do they do that?

APOLLYMI: I can’t tell you: it’s classified. [laughter]


Elena Danaan tells followers to wear Satanic symbols

. . . for their protection!

“Today I want to show you an– a tool, a tool to be protected when you do your light work. When you do your work with light, you’re visible– visible to the dark forces, and I have a little trick to make you invisible and protectors–unreachable by the dark and invisible. My little trick, this is called merkabah. Merkabah is an ancient symbol. It’s a 3-D derived from the metatron. Metatron is the symbol of the light. Every shapes created in the universe are contained in it, and it’s the highest protection you can receive.”


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Flower of Death