God’s helpers, the Sirians – part 1

That is how all creatures speak of God. And why do they not speak of the Godhead? Everything that is in the Godhead is one, and of that there is nothing to be said. God works, the Godhead does no work: there is nothing for it to do, there is no activity in it. It never peeped at any work. God and Godhead are distinguished by working and not-working. – Meister Eckhart, Sermon Fifty Six

When God created the heavens, the earth, and creatures, he did no work; he had nothing to do; he made no effort. – Meister Eckhart, Sermon Four

And all your activity must cease, and all your powers must serve His ends, not your own. If this work is to be done, God alone must do it, and you must just suffer it to be. Where you truly go out from your will and your knowledge, God with His knowledge surely and willingly goes in and shines there clearly. – Meister Eckhart, Sermon Four

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Radu Cinamar, Forgotten Genesis (2020)

In 432000 B.C. Sirian beings began to accelerate the evolution of Earth’s primates. They didn’t do anything to the primates physically, however. Rather, they used a ship to entangle the energy of particular stars, such that the stars subtly affected the carbon bonds of the primates’ DNA.

What you have seen here is very complex. As is the case with astrology on Earth, it is working with planets, the moon, the sun, and other heavenly bodies, but less often with other fixed stars. In the astrology known by those extraterrestrial beings, thousands of stars were taken into account, not just a few. (Cinamar, p. 129)

In 372 500 B.C., a moon-sized Sirian ship named Neiberau arrived in Earth’s orbit and sent down a shuttle to the area north of the Persian Gulf to mine gold. The commander of the ship, a being named Tenekau, encountered the primates who had been visited by his people 60,000 years earlier. He decided to accelerate their evolution even further, and sent a long report to his superiors about his idea. He was instructed to abandon his military missions and to remain in orbit around Earth in order to carry out the project.

Cinamar asked which alien civilizations the beings belonged to, and was told that it was “one of the civilizations derived from the Sirians, [but] which originated from a system in the constellation of Orion’s Belt. The images then suddenly changed and I saw a multi-planet system around a relatively small star located in the vicinity of the main stars of Orion’s Belt” (p. 104).

Additionally, Cinamar tells us that the beings stood 2.5 meters tall and their heads were slightly elongated toward the back (pp. 104, 128).

Cinamar was told that Tenekau had been born and raised on the Neiberau so that his genes would be affected by the same stellar influences that were affecting the evolution of primates on Earth. When Tenekau encountered the primates, he felt a natural affinity with them because they were celestial relatives.

Tenekau then understood that, in reality, everything had been arranged and rendered so that he could synchronize and determine those decisions and actions he had committed. Even if his intention at the beginning was only to create a being with superior possibliities from the existing primates in order to help extract the ore they needed, everything was now making sense on a much deeper level.  The order he received was for him to stay with his ship around Earth and to support the necessary activities for the development and evolution of the primates that then existed in that area (p. 130).

Once the affected primates had evolved to a sufficient degree, Sirian scientists created a clone by combining Tenekau’s DNA with primate DNA. Tenekau transferred his consciousness into the clone and from then on, he lived on Earth.

At some point, Tenekau ascended to the formless realm, and other Sirians continued the marvellous work he had begun.

Tenekau’s inheritance

An interesting fact that caught my attention was that after projecting Tenekau’s consciousness into that cloned being I mentioned, which was also an evolved version that preceded Adam’s appearance [368 000 B.C.], I did not see Tenekau’s physical body. Instead, I noticed that his specific frequency, rendered by the symbols shown, was found in many other beings that followed up until the time of Adam’s appearance.

I was amazed at this, and then the man from Apellos told me that after he had completed his mission on Earth — which was coordinating the extremely complex process of transforming the DNA of the primates — Tenekau had evolved as a being in the etheric plane without a physical body. Thus, in the DNA of Adam and the beings after him, I could see the symbols T and E-N, but also the hexagonal symbol.

Thus, something of Tenekau’s genes had been further transmitted, meaning that he had left a “genetic inheritance.” This was not through physical coupling, but rather auric, his spiritual influence being determined in primates over time. Later, the Sirian civilization from the Orion Constellation, of which Tenekau was also a part, made many efforts to make that subtle impulse permanent (p. 157).


I was shown that after Tenekau initiated “the epic of the human being,” and after he had passed on to a higher existential level, three more extraterrestrial beings were successively designated by the Sirian sages, originally from the Sirius A system, to continue the project of accelerated transformation of human beings on Earth. From the images I saw, these beings covered a period of about 12,000-13,000 years after Tenekau, as their structure allowed them to have an extremely long life. Thereafter, the E-N-L DNA was found to be strong enough to branch out and combine without the danger of losing its initial baseline information.

The first to take on the task of continuing the project was Karaan, a Sirian man who, like Tenekau, came from the constellation of Orion’s Belt. As far as I could tell, he was part of the high-level military leadership of his civilization and had close links with two of the Pleiadian cities with which he collaborated intensely on Earth at that time.

According to him, the wise people of the Sirian civilization from the Sirius A system decided that the project would be led by a representative of this civilization who was named Nasamar. He was a very gentle and wise man, specializing in scientific research, but he was not part of the military rank. . . .

Unfortunately, Nasamar led the project for only a short time because a tense situation in a certain sector of the galaxy — close enough to Earth and which involved, it seems, a large armed conflict — necessitated his replacement with another leader whose name was Jama-al.

Jama-al was a senior officer in the military hierarchy, recognized and respected for his talents as a strategist and for his diplomatic knowledge. He was a tough man, coming from a civilization derived from that of the Sirians, but I could not figure out either the star system or constellation that he came from. He was also the commander of the cosmic ship (the Neiberau), which was then in orbit near Earth.

Jama-al also proved to be a very practical being. Not only was he fulfilling the mission entrusted to him — to carry on the project of transforming human DNA — but in parallel to this he used certain resources of the planet to buid a large number of small and medium-sized warships.

The images showed me how he created small urban centers throughout North and East Africa. These were like small semi-circle towns where human DNA was extracted from beings belonging to the E-N-L branches, with genetic engineering being done on those samples.

An interesting aspect that I noticed was that the three project leaders who followed Tenekau did not know why the Sirian Council of Wise People wanted human evolution on Earth. Howeer, as it was known that the Sirians were not wrong and that they were permanently connected with the celestial governing entities of our galaxy, the three great leaders accepted the mission to carry on the work started by Tenekau, realizing that it was a very important plan at the cosmic level. They accepted the mission that was given to them as, first of all, a spiritual mission.

As I said, Jama-al had not only undertaken the continuation of the project of evolving human beings, but also the development of a very efficient battleship construction industry. He extracted from the soil of our planet many types of ores, focusing on gold and titanium, but especially quartz crystals, which were later processed and integrated into the construction of those ships (pp. 158-159).

A necessary explanation

I feel compelled to make a point here because ignorance of some individuals can easily block the fair understanding of things. From what has been presented so far, especially in connection with Adam, one might understand that man would not be “a creation of God,” but would only be a product of scientific operations of genetic manipulation and cloning; and further, that the human being — and implicitly Adam — is only a kind of “experiment” conducted at the discretion of extraterresterial civilizations who have nothing better to do than play “master and slave.”

Such an interpretation would indicate a lack of spiritual maturity in corrctly understanding how the human being was created.

First, the presence of God must be understood and perceived at an intuitive level as being unknowable [by the mind] and transcendent. It can also be understood that God is everything we see and experience through our senses and our minds. If these two statements were not valid at the same time, it would mean that God would not be omniscient and omnipotent. But because God is precisely all this and much more than that, He is present everywhere or, in other words, in all things. Therefore, God’s creative action cannot be physical, because His presence and energy penetrate everything and can accomplish everything. When acting with a certain purpose in His Creation, God acts through His “proper” tools, all of which are His creations in a well-established spiritual hierarchy.

Just as a matter of mathematics or physics is solved by well-established theorems, laws, or rules of calculus, which are the working tools in these exact sciences, God also acts and accomplishes His divine intentions through His tools, which are usually beings and entities that fulfill the role of “emissaries” and “perpetrators” of divine plans. This is a reality that transpires from every action that is observed in Creation because everything always worked perfectly and without cracks, even though it often seems to us — in the face of the subjectivism we manifest — that things do not go as they should and as we wish.

In the case of the creation of the human being — as a distinct humanoid race on Earth — things happened the same way. God acted through His “instruments” that were best suited to accomplish this very complex plan, instruments which in the case at hand referred to several very advanced alien civilizations. These were mainly the Sirian civilizations controlled by their Supreme Council, the Arcturian civilization, and the Pleiadian civilization. All of these, in turn, were guided by celestial supernatural entities to accomplish the divine mission that had been entrusted to them.

We are talking about extraterrestrial civilizations that have reached a high degree of spiritual and technological development and who very well understand the divine laws of the cosmos, both physically and subtly. All of their actions were divinely integrated and enjoyed the support and inspiration of the great beings in the superior celestial hierarchies. For as I have seen and subsequently understood, the creation of the human being in this way — and even the formation of Earth and the solar system over eons of time — were based upon certain intentions and clear and profound ideas with a “great pulse in time” that is hidden and unknown to the majority of beings. Therefore, everything that has happened with regard to the appearance and evolution of man on Earth is not a particular fad, play or experiment of any extraterrestrial civilization, but was and is totally the Will of God, expresed by the very high level of consciousness of the main extraterrestrial civilizations that have assumed this mission and then took part in the creation of the human being on our planet (144-145).


Cinamar, Radu (2020). Forgotten Genesis. Westbury, New York: Sky Books.

See also Nibiru: The Lord of the Harvest is Here
See also Who are the Anunnaki?

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